
Monday 6 November 2023

Mural Kaitaki

The mural is a depiction of Ashleigh Sagar She is a Resource Management Advisory 

It is at the YMCA at Hereford Street and made by the Irish street artist Fin DAC. It is called Kaitiaki which is Māori for 'guardian'. 

Fin used elements of Māori culture to highlight a warning and protection theme for the earthquake torn city.

The woman is holding a morepork (a NZ owl) in one hand and in the other a Kingfisher.


  1. ...I love this one, the subject and colors are wonderful. The feathers extending above the wall is a nice touch. Marja, have a wonderful week.

  2. I like how the image fits to the building. I like that she is known and I like the idea of a Kingfisher in one hand and an owl in the other. This is fabulous, Marja.

  3. This is so good. What a street portrait.

  4. Beautiful mural, love the feather sticking out of the building. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Marja.

  5. Hi Marja - amazing piece of work ... while it's great to read and know the cultural reasons for the owl and kingfisher. Beautiful - cheers Hilary

  6. WOW, such a magnificent mural again, dear Marja! Beautifully painted, perfectly suited to New Zealand and with a very important message!

    Thanks for your comment on my current post! I admire that you try to read my long posts in German. This is definitely good exercise! You asked me about the poisonous cloud in Indonesia. In this case it has nothing to do with the volcanic eruption, but with the fact that rainforest is being burned down for greedy and unscrupulous large corporations like Nestlé and Procter & Gamble. I refuse all products from these companies, which is very difficult, but not impossible. (Nestlé alone is not only responsible for a wide variety of breakfast cereals, but also for many well-known sub-brands such as Nescafe and Nespresso, for Maggi, for KitKat, for various types of mineral water, Nestea, etc. - if you want a complete list, I'll send you a Link. Pretty much EVERY one of these products has to do with exploitation of workers and nature, but this company does incredible greenwashing. It also has good lawyers - when it pumps all the water out of villages like Vittel and the population there is desperate and seeks legal advice, They have to litigate against Nestlé for years and that takes a toll on their nerves and money...)
    (Uh sorry, when it comes to this company I just have to let it out ;-))
    Warm November greetings from Austria!
    🍂🍃🍁🍃 🍂

    1. Yes greenwashing is just a marketing technique. I get overwhelmed by the greed of companies and people as well these days. I am not very optimistic about the future of mankind. Great that you refusing these products. At least you can do your little bit. Yes send me the list This is how I feel

  7. Beautiful mural Marja and thank you for telling us the back story.
    Biggest hugs my friend
    Peggy xxx

  8. Een echte power-vrouw! Het is Kunst met een hoofdletter. Door de veren zit er ook zachtheid in de afbeelding. Heel mooi, de blauwe achtergrond en de vele kleuren. En hoe de veren boven het gebouw uitsteken.


Thank you!!