
Monday, 1 October 2007


Yesterday morning we went to Sumner, a suburb in the East of Christchurch. We went for a stroll along Sumner beach, one of our favourite places.
It was warm, although a cool sea breeze brushed our cheeks. The sky was hazy above Cave Rock. This rock formed from Lava is called Tuewea by the Maoris, meaning "destroyed as by fire" and they have a legend about it. Turakipo was rejected by Hineao, a chief's daughter. He casted a spell upon her and she died. Her father wanted revenge. He let the enemy's tribesmen feast on a stranded whale which he had poisoned. The tribesman died but Tuawara suspected danger and went off. The cave is lying there in the form of a whale to be avoided by the Maori's
It was low tide so we could walk through the cave. An adventures place for children, who love to play here. I remember when Davy was about 5 years old and we took him inside the cave. Suddenly he ran off and he stepped in a pool, like that one on the left. He disappeared till far above his knees. I picked him out off there, soaking wet and told him off. He looked sternly at me and pointed to his boots "I have my boots on mum"! I had told him several times that he was only allowed to step in puddles if he had his boots on.
We walked all the way to the other end until we reached the clock tower. The clock tower is bordering a playground and pool for the children. A pick nick place sheltered by trees is filled with many families in the summer who spent their day here. New Zealanders love to picknick and take huge baskets with salads, drinks and when there is a BBQ available the sausages are going on it.


  1. It looks a truly magical place.

    I'm flying south a week. I'll be in touch when I return.

  2. Gosh Marja. There is a striking similarity with one of your pics and our local lighthouse. I've stolen your photo to put on my blog today, for comparison. Hope you don't mind.

  3. Beautiful pics. Christchurch is so lovley in the summer, well all year round actually.

  4. I love Sumner! This post brought back so many happy memories of taking our children there. On our last visit we went into the cave also, & our son showed his girlfriend where he used to play.
    We still have friends who live there, on the Spur.

  5. good trip keith

    whatever you want dickiebo

    We love sumner very much KB

    The cave is al ot of fun also to climb in top rebicmel

    It's good that it stays with you isn't it Meggie

  6. Hi Marja! What cool photos! I feel like I've been on a mini vacation while reading your post! Such a absolutely beautiful place. The cave looks like fun, and that was a cute story about Davey stepping in that pool with his boots on.

  7. What a beautiful place!


Thank you!!