
Monday, 21 July 2008

Stone grill

The school holidays are over. I had to work extra but we still had time for fun. It's winter so too cold for the here popular BBQ. We Dutchies brought from Holland a stonegrill however. It was very popular when we left. In Holland it rains a lot therefore we have all these indoor things; fondue, gourmet and the stone grill. We invited some friends, kids friends, friends kids, friends kids friends (You get it) The foto's are from two different occasions.

Part of the food. I made some Dutch potato salad. My mother always used to make this for 2 days when it was kermis (fair) in town. There was wine for the adults, and meat for the grill.

The stone is heated electrically and everybody bakes his own piece of meat. Easy for me LOL

Underneat the stonegrill you can put some gourmet pans to bake some mushrooms, onions or an egg. Everybody ate well.

O o Time for a long walk now.


  1. Yummy! I guess my invite was lost in the mail. Maybe next time x

  2. YUMMY YUM YUM!! I am hungry already..tummy growling (serious), it's almost 2.00pm and past my lunch time now. We dont have one at home but we find lots of them @ korean restaurants here. Do remember to cook this when I pop fine day :)

  3. Wow... the food looks great :)

  4. Right!
    You're cooking for me from now on.....

  5. Yummy! Looks and sounds like a nice BBQ. Your salad looks really delicious.I wish I was there too ;O)).

  6. :) By reading and viewing the pics I fell the watering of mouth :))
    How is life going ?
    Good day

  7. I's a bit too cold and wet for a BBQ here too Marja. Gee that food looks good enough to eat.

  8. Huzaren salade? Ik maak dat elke zomer. Yummy Marja, this looks good. I miss my own food. The English don't quite know what good food is. It's a lot better now but when I came here in 1979, I almost starved, the food was that awful. Nou, waar is dat broodje tartaar?


  9. Wake up! No post today?!!! :( LOL

  10. Yes indeed KB and Missy you invite got lost in the mail. Will sent an email next time.

    M.Kate I will put a plate ready for you next time.

    Thanks Anwin

    Steve I would love cooking for you if it wasn't that I don't like cooking at all and I only know very few dishes. Bad luck

    Steffi for you a plate too. Will put an extra table in the lounch.

    Deepak life is great at the moment

    Gypsy I thought it was always warm overthere

    Ja Monique huzarensalade. Ik vind het eten hier ook niet zo geweldig. MMmm broodje tartaar. Hebben ze hier niet

    Poetikat I love fondue too. My favourite Cheese fondue

    ok for the people I get onto it

  11. That looks like the perfect party to have when it is cold in Christchurch!!

  12. Looks delicious; I hope you will invite me next time (LOL)

    You are right about the rain we had a time ago. It is the same in Belgium. You should be better be there now; it is 30 degrees.

  13. Very yum! :)

    I have, given to me by my in-laws, a fondue and an indoor grill. The fondue we use once a year. Sometimes twice. We love it & save it for the special occasions. The indoor grill is great too! A nice idea for those special occasions because it does, indeed, rain a lot in Holland! ;)


Thank you!!