
Sunday, 17 May 2009


Prompt disconnected for Sunday Scribblings
Hi all. Here a photo of my first view on New Zealand from when I came back last Tuesday from my trip to Holland. I think it is stunning and today I felt the beauty of New Zealand deep in my veins again. I feel very privileged to live here. I also feel privileged that I was able to go to the other side of the world to visit family and friends and I was treated there like celebrity and I had an absolutely fantastic time. I thought the first thing I would do is sharing all the excitement with everybody here but I couldn't I felt completely disconnected with the world. Probably partly because of jet lag. I had to go to work the next day so that doesn't help. Another reason is I think when you get so many impressions, emotions and experiences and no time to let them settle, your brain shuts of. It was like "Scotty beam me up" and I was in another world, day became night, autumn became spring. I am also a fairly anonymous person here in New Zealand and when I came home, although a lot of people left my home town I still met many people on the street who recognised me. We talked as if I had never left the place and if nothing had changed. Ah well sort of.
Now I am back here it all seems like a dream. I still feel a bit disconnected but it will all come back and I will show you bits and pieces. There was also a different form of disconnection.
It was hard to bring over the part of me here in new Zealand to the people in Holland because most can't form a real picture of it and that's were the following words are about
By Marja Blom
 Flying through time landing in the past
where I am still me
but disconnected from a part left behind
disconnected from a place in a tale
not seen nor touched by many
just words forming an imagination
of an invisible cloak around me.


  1. Wow! I really enjoyed this. I LOVED the "flying through time landing in the past" that is SO true!

  2. Kia ora Marja,
    Haere Mai! Good to see your presence here again and look forward to reading and viewing of your trip. Rest up and rock on. I feel like you could have written that poem for me.

  3. nice one really.Yoy did get disconnected from the net for long.Hope u had a nice trip.I've a poem on my blog waiting 4 u.Drop by when u find time.

  4. my imagine went topsy turvy :)

    Happy SS

  5. You've captured the problem of modern travel here. Nicely done.

  6. Yes, I can relate to the disconnection of sudden shifts from one "world" to another. It can take a while to re-establish balance. I don't know what it's like to have two lives to move between, though, so that must take even more.

  7. High Marja
    So glad you are home safe.
    Yes, it is odd trying to get back into a routine after a trip.
    Lovely photo from the plane.

  8. I too experience a kind of "overload" and need some time for dust to settle to reconnect with the rhythm of life, welcome home! New Zealand looks like a beautiful place! -Meg

  9. that sense of disconnection when you try to reconcile two different lives is almost sureal - i know the feeling, and your post speaks to it beautifully!

  10. Welcome and thank Auty Q

    Robb so god to see you. Yes I think we share somehow the same experience

    Hi Deeptesh It is nice too to get disconnected from the computer for a while Visit you soon

    Welcome AD Oops hope you turn around again

    Hi Bert yes I had a great time Hope to see you next year too

    Thanks Anthony

    Welcome greenish lady It is indeed a big adjustment. Nearly like being two people

    Hi Elizbeth Nice to see you. Yes you too know sure all about it

    Blisshappens welcome I think if things have no time to settle you become more machine like

    Hi Danni Welcome Surreal is the right word

  11. I feel the same when I return from Australia, now this year my daughter and family will come to the Netherlands and stay with me for a couple of weeks. I am looking forward to seeing them all. I live in Krimpen aan de Lek, I am sure she still remembers a lot of her schoolmates.Thanks for your visit.

  12. Marja, welcome back..hope you had a nice trip

    sometimes when we get back, and see the disconnect, it makes us wonder if at all we were connected someday, doesn't it?

  13. Excellent! Your words tell the story of time...

  14. Marja..! Welcome back.

    This was the perfect prompt after your is strange to go "home" and feel that sense of self, but also a sense that you've changed and yet the streets and the faces are familiar. I have felt the same feelings.

    Its always so bizarre to randomly bump into someone from your past after so many years and so many experiences in the gap between then and now. It happened to me when I was visiting my childhood home in does one fill in the time? Its impossible!

    cheers to you....

  15. Hi welcome back home again.

    Great words in your poem!

  16. Good to have you back my dear...and I can relate to the poem..I travel a lot and sometimes I realy don't know where I am when I open up my eyes in the morning. Happy to hear you had a wonderful time with your family in holland:)
    Leuk dat je er weer bent en dat je de draad weer op kunt pakken.
    Komende donderdag vertrek ik voor drie weken naar frankrijk.Ik neem mijn labtop wel mee maar ik zal weinig tijd hebben om to bloggen..Neem de tijd om thuis te komen....fijne dag !

  17. Hi, good to see you back again. So pleased you have a good trip to see your family. It must have been quite a wrench saying goodbye!

  18. I am pleased to learn you had a terrific trip back to Ho;;and. I know what that disconnectedness feels like, part of you is one country, another part in the other.

    Welcome back. Bob

  19. Marja,
    So glad to hear your voice again! Welcome back!
    Sounds like you are caught between two worlds!

  20. Hey good to connect with you again! I look forward to hearing about your travels. Carry On Tuesday is now up and running. I hope you join in.

  21. I love that - still me but disconnected. I too have moved around a lot and haven't been back to my home in years. I think of folks back there as still being how I remember them and maybe they think of me that way too. By the same token the people I know now don't know the me from back then - It IS a weird kind of disconnect and you captured that perfectly!

  22. Hi Marja!Welcome back!It´s great to hear from you again!Great post!Yes, I can understand you ...

  23. Can't picture it?
    Wait till winter sets in!


Thank you!!