
Monday, 4 October 2010

William of Orange

William of Orange? I am not talking about "the father" of the Netherlands but about my husband. In the earth quake his bike fell against the car. He had a high no-claim on his insurance because it wasn't an expensive bike. The former black bike lost its mirrow, indicater, screen and was scratched completely. As a proper kiwi  he is a DIY-man and fixed his bike himself. He was born in Christchurch but he is a Dutch kiwi, born from Dutch parents. Eventhough he thinks he is a kiwi I think he is typical Dutch, he has orange blood and the colour he choose for his bike proves he has Dutch tendencies.

My husband loves moterbikes. I am not that keen. When I was young I went on the back of one for 3 hours.
I had long hear which like a wip blew into my face on the back of the bike and I was leaning the wrong way when the bike hang low in a corner. I learned quickly but after a while I felt all my limbs were froozen and they were. When I came off I walked like a mummy. From than on I just kept with 4 wheels on the ground. Even that was tricky when moving to NZ as I suddenly had to drive on the other side of the road. William didn't have a bike for a long time but not that many years ago he bought one again and thanks to the quake it is orange now I was a bit wary at first but it turns out not too bad. What do you think?


  1. Very visible and therefore safer on the roads. The orange bike makes quite a statement, Marja.

  2. Well, I think it looks very Royal!

  3. Looks excellent, don't ride motorcycles anymore I never was that good and figured I would eventually run into a telephone pole.

  4. Bike is cool but it would be even better to see you sitting on the bike with black leather gear. Then we could decide if you are a born biker.

  5. Cool motorbike,Marja!


  6. Hi Marja! Typical Dutch, indeed... ;))

    Blogtrotter Two just left Sardinia 2009, but it couldn’t make it without showing you the incredible Porto Cervo and its yachts... Enjoy and have a great week!

  7. He will stand out in the traffic. Love it!

  8. Marya :)
    I wish I had this bike :)

  9. Hehehe, thats typical William as i remember him in the dutch years at philips Nijmegen. Going like crazy trough the city traffic. Very cool bike.


Thank you!!