
Thursday 8 December 2011

People of canterbury NZ - Stop Fracking

I read the following at Fiona's blog:

"Fracking, or Hydraulic Fracturing, has been linked to earthquakes, pollution and damage to aquifers. Two gas exploration fracking permits have been published, that cover a large part of the seismically active Canterbury area as we already struggle with thousands of aftershocks, displaced people, lost CBD, and changes to our way of life. I am frankly appalled that permission to do this would be given when both the UK and USA have admitted that it can cause earthquakes in active regions. There are also risks to our aquifer water supply and evidence of pollution from the chemicals used in the process. Please look at some of these articles and get behind fighting to prevent this happening. " Read more at Four paws and Whiskers

People of Canterbury, Christchurch this will affect you all. Please help to stop this madness. Go to Fiona's blog. Inform yourself and join one of the online groups or sent a letter or spread the information. We have gone through enough. Don't let them do the Fracking in Canterbury.

Monday 5 December 2011

A lazy summer day

While many enjoyed the Santa parade in Christchurch I had for a change a lazy Sunday afternoon yesterday. We did some biking and walking in the morning and just enjoyed the sun in the afternoon.What a delight to do no more than nothing. I have to do it more often. I even was able to write a little poem again although I feel I lost it a bit. The end of the year is busy as summer holidays come up and of course Christmas. I am looking forwards to it.

A few impressions of a summer day:

On our bike ride we discovered a great garden centre with some cool art

We walked along the railway track to the supermarket to buy some refreshments

little puffs, tschu, tschu
old and young ride from and too
entertaining ducks

A peek through a window

A warm Sunday afternoon

 A green blanket dotted with daisies
Flowers wave to the tunes of a chime
the air carries the sound of laughter
from behind the wall of my home
   whispering secrets of a simple tale
of youthful delight

A fresh wind brushes my cheek
in our secluded garden
where invisible dreams linger
of peace invading
the earth
with the calmness of
of a warm Sunday afternoon