
Friday 22 April 2011

Waimangu Valley

When we visited Rotorua we also visited Waimangu valley 20 km south of Rotorua. Waimangy means "black water"

On its skyline you see Tarawera mountain which is a sleeping vulcano. The latest eruption in 1886 ripped the mountain in two, increased the size of lake Rotomahana 20 times and created seven craters in what is Waimungu Valley. It is the youngest geothermal area in the world.

We walked through this amazing area when it was extremely hot. My broo had a hard time but I was too distracted by the beauty of this land.

Frying pan lake. This lake is one of worlds largest hot pools and measure 38000 square metres. The temperature is between
45 and 55°C.  The lake is acidic. The bubbles you see are created by carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide.
Steaming Cathedral Rocks
Frying Pan Lake overflows through this notch at a temperature of about 50 degree. Along its margin the stream forms deposits which contain traces of elements such antimony, molybdenum, arsenic and tungsten. These minerals, along with blue-green algae, form the spectacular orange, brown, green and yellow colours seen along the edge and about the hot springs.

Close up of a bubbling hotspring

I can do better: sprouting blubs and bubbles

Inferno crater lake Very acidic (2.1 PH) This is the largest geyser like feature in the world The geyser cannot be seen. It is at the bottom of the lake. I found this one absolutely magic!

These terraces are composed of a similar material as the pink and white terraces that were situated at Lake Rotomahahana but destroyed by the 1886 Tarawera eruption. They looked  like the Pamukale terraces in Turkey
Warbrick Terrace a multicoloured fast growing sillica platform forming over an old stream terrace in a similar way as the marble terrace.

Information comes from the wanderers guide. The walk cost a bit but its worth every dollar. Just loved it. for a bit more you can also get a boat trip but we were a bit late in the day.  Oh I love NZ

Arohanui, marja

Saturday 16 April 2011


Christchurch might be broken but it will rise again and New Zealand is still one of the most beautiful countries in the world I think. Last summer we went for a day trip to Rotorua in the North Island which is built in the crater of a vulcano. There is a park and lakes with lots of thermal activity. 25 km South of Rotorua is waimangu vulcanic valley which I will show you next time.

Hotpools in Kuirau Park close to the city centre

and hot mud pools

Entrance to the Government gardens

In the garden is Roterua Museum a former bath house. in the past people from all over the world came here for therapeutic treatments. Water from thermal springs went through pipelines to the bath house.

The corridoor inside the museum

One remaining guest in a thermal bath

View from the rooftop

View on Sulphur Bay

Tourism Rotorua building

Swans on lake Rotorua

tree with little black shags
Pools at sulphur bay

Sulphur bay