
Saturday, 27 December 2014

The Washpen fall track

Today we did the Whaspen Falls track about an hours drive from Christchurch at the foot of the Alps
It is a walk on private grounds. At the start is an honesty box to put in $10 pp as the farm owners
look after the track and what a wonderful track it is. It is well sign posted and it takes you  through
an ancient volcanic canyon and past beautiful water falls.

At the top you look out over the Canterbury plains. The track guide tells us that the plains are 250 km in length and 60 km in width. They are formed by rock and gravel eroded from the southern Alps and deposited by the alpine fed rivers.

The Washpen fall received it name as it is situated in the Whaspen Creek. In the past the sheep were washed in the creek, because the farmers thought the wool would sell better in England that way.

My daughter who is staying for a week with us enjoyed the walk

I always enjoy the look and sound of happy murmuring streams

A rest at the stone lake which was dug by hand by Tom stone in 1920 and used as water storage.
A beautiful shelter is build next to it which can be used for parties

The lake looks even more beautiful from the other side

A little hydro-electric power plant provided electricity to the farm for 40 years.
I am sure I am going to do this one again one day. After the walk we had a nice lunch in Darfield
on our way back to Christchurch.


  1. I love the idea of an honesty box!
    As always your photography is top class Marja.
    What an amazing colour of the lake.

    1. yes Peggy I like it too You also see it often when people sell fruit or vegetables at the street side and just put an honesty
      box with it.

  2. Hi Marja - lovely walk with such beautiful views; while the water fall and drop into Stone Lake - incredible resourcefulness building that lake storage area ... just looks amazing and I'm so happy your daughter went with you ... isn't the waterwheel of paddles a great necessity of invention .. love seeing it ... cheers Hilary

  3. Mooie wandeling in de natuur. Watervallen vind ik altijd indrukwekkend, je ziet ze hier namelijk nooit:)

  4. Whoa, the Alps reach all the way to New Zealand? I did not know that! By the way, your daughter is quite lovely.

    1. lol these are the Southern Alps Jerry. Thanks she is

  5. Thank you for showing these beautiful photos! When I was in NZ we didn't see this track, may be I shall have another opportunaty to see the surroundings of Christchurch.
    I wish you a happy New year.
    Wil, ABCW Team.

  6. What a charming walk with beautiful scenery. The waterfall is a beauty and your daughter is lovely.

  7. I, too, love the idea of an “honesty box”. A haven of fresh air and serenity in our up and down world that included a visit from your daughter must have made this a great holiday!

  8. How wonderful and how wonderful to have your daughter with you on that walk ....gorgeous photos.
    Happy New Year, Marja

  9. As usual I find myself in awe of your pictures. I especially liked the last one with the plants growing around the machine parts. Hope you and your have a happy new year!

  10. Beautiful photos, Marja! I hope Christmas was good for you, and I hope that 2015 will be fantastic! :)

  11. What a magical looking place, beautiful series!

  12. You share such beautiful photos with us. Happy New Year!

  13. Just stopping by with a friendly
    "hi' and hoping all is well.

  14. Wow Marja.... just beautiful photo's and your daughter is also beautiful... Its great when we get them home for a visit :-) xxx

  15. What a lovely place! I can't wait to start exploring the south island in the near future.


Thank you!!