
Thursday, 3 November 2016

Day of dead

The day of dead is a two day Mexican holiday celebrated on 1 and 2 November to remember loved ones who died and to support their spiritual journeys of dead. It is also celebrated among the Mexican community in the US.

It is the prompt for Poets United. I am a bit late, many things going on.  I gave Haiku's a go and found it quite a challenge. 

I love the following lines as I have no doubt that our souls are eternal.

What is dead?
What is death? It is the glass of life broken into a 
thousand pieces, where the soul disperses like 
perfume from a flask, into the silence of the eternal night. 
Unknown Author 

 bridging beyond life 
celebrate unification 
eternal fiesta 

enveloped stories
holding lost loved ones echo
earthbound afterglow


  1. Wonderful memories Marja ... just what is needed for these days of what should be solemnity ... clever poetry you've given us ... cheers Hilary

  2. earthbound afterglow.,.nice image there!

  3. I like this poem ... have always thought that the Day of The Dead celebration teaches us a good way to think about it.

  4. Wow! The quote is beautiful, thanks. I love the Haiku as well as they raise strong images for unification and afterglow. Perfect.

  5. “… soul disperses like perfume from a flask” How beautiful and contemplative.

  6. I don't know what lies beyond this life, but an eternal fiesta wouldn't be a bad thing to look forward to! ;)

  7. "...must give us pause."

  8. I learned from Carl Sagan, on his show Cosmos, that our bodies are literally made with elements forged in the heart of stars. And that eventually those same particles will return to space to be dispersed again and possibly to become part of a new planet and strange alien lifeforms. That is my version of the eternal fiesta.

  9. bridging beyond life
    celebrate unification
    eternal fiesta

    The 2-day celebrations do bridge and unite and the fiesta is sustained for generations. Very well said Marja!


  10. That altar at the Church of the Good Shepherd at Lake Tekapo is one of my favorite places in the world. A great place to reflect on the greatness of creation and eternity.

  11. Congratulations Marja. Your haikus are great. I must get courageous and write one sometime.

  12. Beautiful haiku, Marja. The image of the eternal celebration after death stayed with me!

  13. Really touching expressions .

    Death is a window to another unseen world

  14. Beautiful poetry. The photo also goes so well with the poetic words.

  15. That is an unusual celebration but a good one. You did well with the Haiku.

  16. A lovely image and poem. Thank you.

  17. I love that Quote and I enjoyed your own poem.. bridging beyond life celebrate unification
    eternal fiesta

    Love to you dear Marja.. Take care of You xx


Thank you!!