
Wednesday, 10 July 2019

I can predict the weather

Prompt weather for Poets United

I can predict the weather

At times I can predict the weather 
but I can’t temper the thunder
I can’t settle a storm
No, I am the observer
looking at a hazel horizon
in the shimmering twilight

I watch a drama unfold
the sky scattered with
reflections of the scenes
of people clashing in conflict
fuming with fright
Only pocket size sparks
of the convulsive storm
reach me but I don’t let them in
The air is too heavy

Yesterday I stepped to
the other side of the sky
striving to sooth some souls
covering them with a velvety veil,
filtering out the hard light,
turning the focus on the freedom
to choose the pastels
rather than black clouds
The air appeared calm than
ripened into an outburst of rain

Today, I rest and retreat
getting drunk on music and poetry
indulge in dreams and chocolate
leaving the world outside
I can predict the weather
I can’t control the storm


  1. Yes, to observe and to let go. This is so beautiful.

  2. Nor can I but I am less accepting of its moods and moan at both heat and cold out of season and as for those clouds up there I thought I told you to rain only at night!

    1. lol I feel you We have to stand up to that rain

  3. I enjoyed this poem, Marja, it has defiance and resolve. I like the alliteration in the lines:
    ‘I can’t temper the thunder
    I can’t settle a storm’
    and the use of colour in:
    ‘filtering out the hard light,
    turning the focus on the freedom
    to choose the pastels
    rather than black clouds’.

  4. My goodness this is poetic gold, Marja!💖 Especially love; "Yesterday I stepped to the other side of the sky striving to sooth some souls covering them with a velvety veil, filtering out the hard light." 😊

  5. Your poem is lovely and the picture is beautiful. I like how you describe one's attempt at creating peace. Sometimes it feels like a lost cause and all we do is retreat, into our lack of control.

    1. Thank Myrna Yes that was a bit of the feeling behind it but also just to retreat and let things just be

  6. Indeed, we are only spectators. We cannot control the weather. The sky provides us with a lot of drama; in a way, it reflects the dramas and conflicts down, on the earth, which also seem to be uncontrollable.
    Your poem is realistic, using beautiful imagery of 'red horizon', 'black clouds','convulsive storm', 'outburst of rain'.

  7. Sometimes we need the respite of limitations to bask in ourselves and hope for the best.
    Indeed "i am not the weather"


  8. I love this. I am a great observer of weather, too. I love the drama of it all, the changing skies, like Sky-Show going on every minute, just for us. I especially like the visit to those on the other side of the sky, and today's day of reflection. Today it is raining hre for the first time in far too long a time and I am thrilled to spend it inside, domestically. So this poem resonated with me a lot.

    1. Thanks Sherry Yes the sky can be beautiful I always pressed my nose against the window when small watching the lightning and listening to the thunder and the clattering rain. Glad you got some rain now

  9. I can't control the storm....I love that line, the way it encapsulates the whole poem. What a lovely poem this is.

  10. So beautiful. Focusing on the freedom to choose is in itself a choice, and one we can only make for ourselves. Let's set the example by "getting drunk on music and poetry / indulge in dreams and chocolate". I love it! Thank you, Marja!

    1. Thanks and yes that's true Hadn't thought about it A choice to choose. Haha yes have to have the chocolate

  11. Lovely poem and wonderful photo. Lovely sunny day here today.

    1. Thanks Susan yes here we had a good day as well. The winter has been very mild

  12. I am not the weather but, I can weather the storms of life. I can choose whether or not to enjoy the pastels or black sky. I am a sky watcher always searching for weather patterns.

    1. Thanks yes I am a skywatcher The sky has some spectacular shows for us

  13. A sky watcher! Beautiful, beautiful observation. I like what you did with this poem. Brilliant.

  14. I am not the weather
    I can’t control the storm... that acceptance is the only way to find some peace.

  15. I'm so glad you visited. I enjoyed your poem. Inspiring voice! I'm a supernatural writer, pursuing my dream of publication.

    1. Thanks so much Sharon Good luck with your writing

  16. 'I can't control the storm'. This is so beautiful and true. Lovely poem!

  17. "I stepped to the other side of the sky" I love the image that inspires. You can't control the weather but we can change how we see it. Positive or Negative.

    1. Thanks Lori Yes we can choose how to see and how to respond to events

  18. There is so little we can control except the way we choose to live.You have made wise choices with chocolate, music, poetry and for me movies and books as well.

    1. Thanks yes sure movies and books are good one as well :)

  19. Observations reveal more intense rainfalls and flooding in some areas. But in other regions there’s more evaporation and drying with increased drought. Every side should get its fair share😋 everybody can ‘get drunk in music and poetry’...beautifully penned, Marja .

  20. Nicely done! I don't worry about the news like I use to for those same reasons.

  21. Yes, one cannot be expected to be subjected to the vagaries of the weather and yet try to exact some form of control over it. Unpredictable to say the least that the weather will enjoy its freedom of deciding what it wants to be and act it out!


  22. A deeply thoughtful poem, Marja. Sometimes to stay afloat we let go so as not to let too many sparks and storms into our souls but although we can’t control the weather, human activities influence the weather and play a role.

    1. Thanks and I agree we do have an impact I think I made the choice to not be able to influence the weather

  23. The weather has much to teach and when we become the Observer, we SEE so much more... Wonderful Poetry Marja <3

  24. Love these words:
    "getting drunk on music and poetry"
    "indulge in dreams and chocolate"

    # Have a great day


Thank you!!