
Sunday, 2 February 2020

The sea of life

Poetry Pantry

 37 degrees here today so the sea was very refreshing

The Sea of Life

I fell in love with the sea
the sound of water
up on the shore
I adore sparkles stalking
ripples on water

The sea calls me
Tossing its hair backwards
Winking at me
Touching my feet
spraying and splashing 

The sea of life calls me
Whispering stories of
faraway places
I test the waters
Listen to his lullaby

My soul starts to echo
the song of the sea
First soft, almost silent
Slowly changing in a
crescendo of crashing waves

I found my voice
fear has vanished
as I have managed to
become a sailor of the sea
pursuing to reach new ports

I learned to avoid the
breaking waves
looking for smooth water
when tired I retreat and restore
then surrender to the azure sea 

My eyes are on the yellow sun
I travel light on the sea of life
collecting memories of sweet souls
and striving to put my signature
on someone’s smile


  1. That's just beautiful! I love the sea too, and love both the literal and metaphoric layers of this poem.

  2. Hi Marja - yes I can quite see ... that the sea would be refreshing. Lovely words reminding us to be there for others ... cheers Hilary

  3. I also love the sea, and I enjoyed the waves in your poem, the ‘sparkles stalking ripples on water’ and the image of the sea ‘tossing its hair backwards’ and winking. And such marvellous final lines, Marja:
    ‘…striving to put my signature
    on someone’s smile’.

  4. What a wonderful ode to the sea - and such a strong parting verse

  5. Een mooie overpeinzing over de zee. Het moet wel moeilijk zijn die hitte de hele tijd bij jullie.

  6. I like your lyrical look at the sea. The sea has much to teach us. As I’ve said somewhere, life is a wave and we must learn to surf it through all the ups and downs.

  7. This is a poem to swim in! Playful and deep and joyous.

  8. Gosh this is utterly gorgeous writing, Marja!💝 I especially love; "My soul starts to echo the song of the sea/First soft, almost silent/Slowly changing in a crescendo of crashing waves."💝

  9. I love the pursuit of "signature on smiles"

    Happy Sunday


  10. I could dance to your last stanza--such wonderful energy in those words. May we all be able to collect bits of living. And turn them into wonder for us and everyone around.

  11. Your lovely poem reminds me that water is life and something to hold dear. I don't live near the sea, but am surrounded by plenty of rivers and lakes that bring me joy in the summer months.

  12. Being a daughter of the prairie, I had never seen the ocean until I was 18 years old! I love sea poems, and yours takes me away to the shore!

  13. 31 degrees?

    I'm a really stupid American. It took me about a minute to realize you were using the Metric system. I will now hang my head low and feel ashamed.

    Great poem!

  14. So uplifting. I love the sea, too - the real one and the sea of life. What a journey it is!

  15. The sea of life is one thing, the sea of water another.
    Under Climat Change, they say, the sea of water is going to swallow islands and coast towns, so we cannot be too idylic about it, whether we believe it or not.
    Perhaps this is your warning when you distinguish between 'breaking waves' and 'smooth water'.

  16. Well, you put one on my smile :)

  17. I love all of nature, but must confess I fear the sea - its power and vastness. Yet, due to life circumstances, I may be moving near it soon. The sea of life and the sea of water both have unexpected waves.

  18. So many beautiful things about this poem. But most of all, it made me feel refreshed and ready to be a sailor, too pursuing new ports. Thank you Marja for this wonderful write!

  19. In antwoord op je vragen over de Nijlgans heb ik het volgende gevonden. Hij is geintroduceerd in Nederland als siervogel bij fokkers en op een gegeven moment ontsnapt in de natuur. Daar hebben ze zich voortgeplant sinds 1967 en ze gedijen goed want je ziet ze door het hele land. Bij ons in de Flevopolder zie je er veel en in de grote steden met stadsparken ook. Rotterdam noemt het al een plaag omdat ze de vijvers onderschijten. In Amsterdam zitten ze ook in parken en die ik zag waren zelfs geringd dus die horen daar kennelijk thuis. Ze zijn wel mooi kleurig om te zien, daarom was het ook een siervogel natuurlijk. Aangezien we nauwelijks meer winters hebben hier blijven ze hier kennelijk ook in de winter in plaats van naar de Nijl te vliegen ha,ha.
    Groeten, Marianne

  20. To live near the sea is to be truly blessed. Lovely poem.

  21. You wrote of the parts of the sea that I like. Not really am I up for beach playing. Walking, yes. We spent more time December on the sea than the land, sailing from Dubai to Turkey down the Indian Ocean to Cape Town. 30 days. A few days were rough seas.
    I love your poem, made me feel right there.
    Love the picture too.
    Thanks for peaking in on me, sorry I'm so late returning to you.

    1. Sailing from Dubai to Turkey Oh wow that's impressive Love the Turkish coast btw Went there ages ago

  22. Great photo and poem. It has the beat of the sea.

  23. The sea does have a draw like a lover. You captured its playfulness and hinted at it fierceness.

  24. Oh the sea does beckon a poet's heart..The waves of your words rise and fall just like the sea.

  25. sparkles stalking
    ripples on water
    - especially love that line.. beautiful image.

  26. Fabulous photo Marja and I love the title of this poem....Sea of Life.
    The sea and the waves can be very frightening sometimes but other times it touches our soul and calls us back time and time again.
    Peggy xxxxx

  27. Beautiful, especially the last line!


Thank you!!