
Friday, 4 October 2024

What sooths me


Rosemary from Poets and Storytellers United asked us to answer the question, ‘What soothes you?

What soothes me 

When the black of night breaks,
And light filters through the cracks,
Sun rays stroke and soothe me,
Promising a new day of possibilities.

When life forges tears from stale air,
From moldy thoughts and a polluted mind,
It draws me out, where the rustling leaves
Of swaying trees lull me back to peace.

A quiet hum, a gentle hush,
Sending a gush of glee,
A soothing sound stirs my soul,
The sphere of music makes me whole.

And oh, being spoon-fed with niceness,
Wrapped in layers of tenderness,
Warming my heart with a velvety feel,
Each phrase a soft, soothing feather

Marja Blom


  1. I love how you have found soothing in nature - a wonderful pleasure - Jae

  2. spoon-fed with niceness... and tenderness...yes, that does sound comforting... a big spoon would do nicely please!!

  3. Oh, what beautiful things (and beautifully described).They would indeed be soothing.

  4. Beautiful words! Nature is for me the best! Valerie

  5. Wrapped in tenderness ... beautifully said and a wish for the world.

  6. That is some very nice poetry!

  7. Hi Marja - the warming sun: delightful thought ... but being at peace with nature and only its natural noises ... bliss - lovely poem and cheers ... Hilary

  8. This is a beautiful lullaby, what tenderness in your poem

  9. Dear Marja, once again you were able to take me into your soul's world and I think you often feel the same as I do - nature soothes you and me, as does music and friendliness. I hope you are surrounded by friendly people who wrap you in layers of tenderness!

    My blog friend Astrid published an English poem today by the author Donna Ashworth and I liked it - do you know her? In any case, I wrote to Astrid in my comment that I like poetry when it is relaxed, when images immediately develop in my mind's eye without me having to interpret back and forth for a long time and when I have the feeling that my own feelings have been put into words quite precisely. That is something that you can do wonderfully too, Marja, and that is why I sent Astrid the link to your blog.
    I hope you have a nice spring in NZ!
    Hugs, all the best and lovely October days,

  10. I love, 'being spoon-fed with niceness'.

  11. When it comes to soothing, Nature is queen! We are lucky to have her, aren't we?

  12. Hi Marja
    I love what you have written about what soothes you, especially "The sphere of music makes me whole." Music and nature soothes my soul. Big hugs to you my friend. Peggy xxxx

  13. Thank you for sharing well-written poetry. Aloha!


Thank you!!