
Friday, 28 March 2008


Goodbye. Yes I am going to leave you. My condition improved a lot. The medication kicked in but I still continue to feel tired easily. The doctor can't do anything more because my levels are back in the normal range so I have to find a solution in a different way. I also have to work more hours so I need all my energy. That's why I decided to stop blogging. Otherwise everything is fine and my hubby is looking well after me.

At this stage I don't know if I come back. I might not but I will visit you from time to time and I will leave my blog here. Your blogs are great and you all deserve a medal for that but I'll just blow you a kiss. I have had a great time and really enjoyed blogging which wouldn't have been fun without you, my friends. Some of you have become really special to me. Thanks for our time together. If you ever come to visit New Zealand stop by for a coffee. You are welcome!

The following is an Irish quote and with that I leave you:

“May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.”

Love Marja


  1. i am so sorry to hear this, Marja. I was away for far too long and I missed quite a few I cam back because...

    there's a little gift awaiting you at my site, hope you will stop by to collect it.. i am gonna miss you. it was nice travelling the blogging road with you, hope you will return.

  2. Oow Marja, what must I say? That I am going to miss you? I do! I hope you are going to feel is first before all, I wish you all the love and luck and health , you need.

    Best wishes from JoAnn
    Liefs van Joann Walraven
    your "name mate"

  3. Oh Marja.
    Ik vergat nog te zeggen: Je bent altijd welkom om mijn blog te bezoeken, of je kunt mij emailen , jammer dat ik je niet meer zie op internet...

    Beste wensen Liefs van JoAnn

  4. BFN Marja.
    It has been a real pleasure getting to know you. May God bless you and your family.

  5. Marja take care.. hope to see you back soon.

  6. Take care of yourself. We will miss you but hope that you will be well and not too far in the future join us again on our blogging adventure.

  7. Lieve Marja, ik hoop oprecht dat het goed met je gaat en heb er alle begrip voor dat je kiest voor je gezondheid en je gezin. Bloggen moet een plezierige bezigheid zijn en geen dwangmatig gevoel geven. Er zijn soms belangrijker dingen die meer aandacht vragen. Het is leuk als je af en toe nog eens langskomt in mijn blog en dat ik weer iets van je mag lezen. Je gedichten en verhalen hebben mij erg geboeid en ik zal zeker nog vaak terugkomen om bepaalde dingen terug te lezen.
    Nogmaals, ik hoop dat je gezond blijft, want dat is de grootste rijkdom die een mens kan worden geschonken. Het gaat je goed Marja en wie weet misschien ontmoeten wij elkaar nog eens als je Holland weer bezoekt. Als je dat leuk vind moet je het even laten weten, mijn e-mail adres is je bekend.
    Dag Marja, groeten aan je man en kinderen.

  8. Ul Thanks so much I had a good time with you too. I always read your comments at other people's bogs and loved how we teamed up at Steve's blog. Continue with your great poems and I hope one day your dream comes true of becomeing a music writer

  9. Joann Ik zal je zeker bezoeken nu en dan. Je blog is erg mooi. Wie weet zijn we wel familie van 10 generaties geleden of zo. Maar in ieder geval een naamgenoot moet je in ere houden. Ik hoop dat je nog een goede tijd met je hond mag hebben. Hij is echt schattig.

  10. Oh, I'm so sorry ... I loved coming here.
    But I fully understand you. Maybe one day you will come back, who knows'

  11. Dickiebo I will miss you. You were one of my first friends and I never forget how you came on my blog to scare me with the Society for the prevention of cruelty to Flies after I posted my joke about the fly in the beer. I loved reading your police stories. You are an amazing writer and I will certainly hop in and read some more.

  12. Rambler. I loved having you around. I hope you find a nice woman one day because I think you are a very dedicated and nice young man. I loved reading your interesting posts. You are a thinker. Yhat's what the world needs. I will hop in sometimes and maybe maybe I'll come back one day

  13. LGS I haven't laughed as loud anywhere as when reading your blog. You have an amzing sense of humor and I liked your very informative posts. You not only smart but nice as well. It was nice to know you and I also love your wonderful countru Malaysia. All the best and I will hop in sometimes.

  14. Herman ik blijf zeker contact houden want je bent zo'n aardige meelevende vriend. Ik ben blij dat ik je heb leren kennen. Ik zal je blog zeker bezoeken, want ik vind het altijd zo leuk om iets over Nederland te leen en jou post is altijd zo interessant. Bedankt voor het aanbod Als ik genoeg tijd heb zal ik graag langskomen volgend jaar. Mijn dochter gaat misschien ook mee. Ik wens je al het best voor de toekomest. Veel liefs

  15. Be well and happy, Marja. You'll be missed. Good wishes to you always!

  16. Marja, you will be missed. I do understand you need to rest.I fully understand if you dont visit--but I do hope once in a way you leave us some poetry.You can be sure I'll read it.
    Sending you lots of positive wishes Marja.Take care.

  17. My heart feels hollow Marja. What can I say..., I'm going to miss you so much. The DutchCorner has always been a safe haven for those of us who are out there exploring the virtual world. We always knew we would be welcome here to a bit of sanity.
    I guess I can understand the energy it takes to return here every day and blog. To try and always come up with new content..., but even your old content is good enough to return and re-read. So I'll be back! Your still on my favorite list.

  18. Jen we have a lot in common. Our live both surrounds about learning disabilities. I was so glad that I found your blog because you are such a stron woman and that was and is a great inspiration for me.
    I will visit you sometimes and still want to go to your LD blog. You have a great amount of energy. Miss you too and wish you all the best for your family.

  19. Oh Billy I don't know you that long but You are such a nice man and very ineteresting. I absolutely love your poetry and equally your articles. You write exactly about the things I am interested in and gave me some answers on things I hadn't worked out yet. Thanks and I will miss you a lot.

  20. Sweet Peetri. I always loved reading your blog. You are a wonderful person with a heart for everybody and a great writer. I hope you will continue in yous success with writing. You deserve it and give your cute children a hug from me. I also love your country and enjoyed the photo's on your blog. Sent you lots of hugs

  21. Oh Wynn. Sorry to hear you've got the same problem. Yes that is the best advice to just get up and go on. You don't have a choice. It seems that many people with this have the same problem. But anyway dear Wynn I especially will miss you. You are one of my longest and dearest friends and I will certainly come and visit you sometimes. You are a great person.
    Hope all is good with your wonderful horses on your beautiful island. You live in a great place.
    Lots of hugs Marja

  22. Oh sorry Quin I just see I missed you. You who is always there and so attentive. I will miss you a lot. You have a lovely personality and I enjoyed your ineresting information along with the amazing pictures. You are very creative.
    I wish you well in the wonderful country of Portugal with its beautiful beaches and beautiful people.

  23. I'm glad you're on the mend Marja, and I understand the need to reserve your energy for work and homelife.......but still!! I am going to miss your informative posts and your optimistic and hopeful pieces...... I'm glad our paths crossed and that we were able to share pieces of our hearts with one another.

    take good care of yourself.......AND if you happen to find your way to the Canadian Maritimes, there will be two arms open to give you a big hug.


  24. Dear Dana I'll miss you a lot. You have an amazing way with words which often spoke to my heart and were very inspirational to me. I learned from you and saw in you a source of beauty. One of my dreams is to travel the world one day so who knows. Lots of hugs to you.

  25. Marja,

    Please come back! Your blog is wonderful and it should be regrettable that we don't read new postings anymore; maybe try to limit and do one posting in a week


    Het is jammer zulk bericht te lezen; ik mis je nu al.
    Schrijf mij een email zodat wij in contact kunnen blijven.

    Jij bent een echte vriend en ik hoop nog dikwijls van U te horen

  26. Take care of yourself Marja. I understand your reasons for prioritising, but maybe you'll come back when things are better on the health front. Go well. :-)

  27. Thanks Erik but I've tried to do less but it is so addictive before you know you do too much. I am happy I got to know you. You are a very nice person and I so enjoyed your travel stories. I'll miss you but I will keep in touch I promise.
    And when I have more time than I can post something but not for a while

  28. Oh Seamus I am happy i've found your blog. You are an intelligent and very talented young man and as bonus you are a kiwi. They are nice and down to earth. I love your stories and especially because they carry a wisdom and a message. That's what the world needs so I hope you keep on doing that. Yes and maybe I'l be back one day.

  29. Hi Marja...I understand that you need lots of rest. I am sure you will be back blogging. Will look forward to it. All the best from me to you and and your family. Will keep you in my prayers. And do visit our blogs when you really really have time :) . Will miss your posts.

  30. Marja

    I waited a couple of days in the hope I would come here to find it was an April Fools joke. But it wasn't. I can't put into words how much I'll miss comimg here, and of course your visits to me . You always seem to have just the right comment every time!

    You laughed at my attempt at Dutch once - do you remember? So I thought the least I could do was put a smile on your face with another attempt.

    Ik ben zo droevig dat u hebt beslist ons te verlaten. Ik zal u missen

    I hope I havnt accidentally said anything rude!

    Bless you Marja

    Keith X

  31. Hi Marja,
    I started visiting your blog recently and liked your posts.
    Pl take care of your health. Good luck and Best Wishes for a speedy recovery.

  32. Sorry to hear you are leaving us, but you must be well, & happy!
    I hope you continue to be better, & it has been a pleasure to get to know you here in blog land.
    Very Best of Luck.
    hugs xxx

  33. Hi dear Anwin. Happy you came to say goodbye even if I haven't commented on your other blog recently. You have an eye for beauty and I will keep on visiting your awesome photo's You are a nice young man and I will visit you some day.

  34. Oh Keith I'll miss you and your wonderful blog already but also enjoy my time which is better organised now. You are a very intelligent creative person and I am sure if you put your heart too it you could write a good book. I know you already for a while and have grown accustomed to you. I will certainly visit you from time to time. Keep up your great blog and take care. Lots of hugs

  35. Dear chitra. Thanks for visiting my blog. We didn't get to know each other but I wish you all the best.

  36. Thanks dear Meggie. I''l miss you. It was always so cosy to read your blog. You are a wonderful person you feel easily comfortable with.
    I wish you all the best in our neighbour country and you are welcome if you ever visit your old city again. Take care and lots of hugs

  37. Oh Keit I forgot your Dutch is perfect I am impressed.

  38. My dearest Marja,

    I finks you just leave blogging for awhile and do what you have to do but don't say goodbye say hello.

    You will be back.
    I am sure.

    Lots of love and hugs.......

  39. Oh Marja, Sorry to hear about this!I will missing you!Ihope very you come back someday and I wish I could drink a coffee with you!
    That´s so sad that you leave us!
    Good luck!


  40. Thanks for the blogs, Marja! Be happy and healthy!

  41. Sorry to hear that you have left blogging Marja as you are a wonderful writer and a gentle, sweet lady. I understand the health issues as I have similar problems but hopefully you will find a way to improve your health.

    I wish you good luck and good health and hopefully you will return one day.

  42. Steve I would like to do that but can't promise anything. The day should have 48 hours than I would be back for sure. I hope that I will have more time and when I found a remedy than I might have more hours in a day.
    I will not say goodbye than but still want to say that I've found you not only a great writer but also a great person who is very sensitive and in touch with life.
    I'll mis you a lot (while I am gone)

  43. Oh sweet sweet Steffi I would love to have coffe with you too and what ashame tha Hamburg is still a long trip from my place in the Netherlands otherwise I would come and see you. You are such a friendly and creative person I'll miss you a lot

  44. Ha dear Baba I was never a bird person but I am starting to like birds thanks to you. You are a very smart and funny blogger and I will hop by if I get more time to learn about your amazing discoveries. Lots of hugs to you great bird

  45. Oh Gyps sorry to hear that you are struggling with the same kind of issues. That can be literally very tiring :) I wish you get on top of it too because you are such a vibrant nice spontanuous smart lady and the world needs you. Hope you come back to blogging too and who knows in the future we meet again.

  46. Be in love, in peace and wellness. You voice will be missed!

  47. Hi Marja! I stopped by to say hi after I've been out of town and sick with the flu, and I read that you haven't been well and that you won't be blogging any more. I feel REALLY sad about this. I've really enjoyed your posts with the beautiful way you write about life and the world. You are a really amazing person and I don't want to lose touch. I hope I do get a chance to come to New Zealand someday! Let me know if you come to California. I hope you are able to blog again when you feel stronger, too. Take care and feel better!!!!

  48. We will al dreadfully miss you

  49. Mark you are an amazing insightful spiritual person, who I have respect for. Your giving of your thoughts and wisdom is a blessing for many and I will certainly hop in some time to read your blog.

  50. Oh Clare You are one of my oldest blogging friends and the most gracious, attentive and talented blogger. I always loved your wonderrful poems ,pictures and your comments are always lifting me up high. I wll keep in tuouch dear Clare.
    My dream is to travel on day so I might come your way but that will still take a while. My mum however is going on a trip to Californie in June or July. So she can tell me all about it. Take care and lots of hugs

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Oh dear Monique I just started to get to know you. I think you are a very vibrant person and talented as well. Like your new picture. It is nice to meet Dutch people who integrated in a english speaking country. You are doing very well. It wa nice to know you and when I have time I will listen to you blog.

  53. Found your blog via Paterika's blog.

    Such much colour, so many beautiful thoughts, so much truth and so much honesty. I wish you well for the future.


  54. goodbye my dear! I will miss you a lot!
    big kiss from Portugal!

  55. How are you?
    It was great seeing you around!

  56. Miss ya heaps already but understand totally xxx

  57. Welcome Bob and thanks for your nice words.

  58. Miss you too Apo. You are always such a nice friendly person who always comes along with a hug. I wish you all the best in your beautiful country and with your great family. I will come around some time.

  59. Thanks KB You are such a nice spontanious cheeky kiwi. We keep in touch mate


Thank you!!