
Sunday, 24 August 2008

Attention It's my birthday

Attention It is my 47 th birthday today. It feels good because I am feeling more confident and stronger than ever. It also feels sad because less time is left and I don't have the energy and changes of a young person anymore. Life gets in the way of dreams. But I feel that this year is going to be special in many ways. My brother is coming this summer, I am going to Holland in April and I think much more is going to happen although I don't know yet what it is. Anyway althoug I am not a fan of birthdays I will still have a good day with a walk, a wine and a nice dinner with my family, phonecalls with my brothers, my mum, my friends, pressies and cards. Wish you all a happy day too, Love Marja


  1. hey happy birthday Marja..wishing a great new year in life.

  2. My dearest Marja!
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you! I wish you only the best and of course much health!Enjoy your birthday!

    Yeah you go to Holland next year...maybe you can stop here to ?!

  3. Marja, have a wonderful day. You certainly deserve it!

  4. Yay, Happy Birthday sweetie. I'll be having a wine in your honour this evening.


  5. Dearest Marja
    Happy Birthday
    Selamat hari Jadi (malay)
    Sang yat fai lok (chinese)
    ..and many more to come..but you dont look 47, I thought you look like in your late 30's..

    Have a great week ahead :D

  6. Happy Birthday Marja! Hope you enjoyed your day.

  7. Kia Ora Marja,
    Happy Birthday! I hope this day is filled with nothing but joy and sweetness. And I know what it is like to return home after a long absence. It is the blessing and curse of those like you and I who live far away from our original places. Your heart will fly! Kia kaha Marja. Have a simply lovely day.

  8. Wish you a very happy and fruitful year ahead... hope you had a good birthday.

  9. LOL! Too cute with the puppy!
    Gefeliciteerd met jou verjaardag & sorry I'm a day late! You certainly don't look 47 in your photo. Must be some magic in the air in New Zealand! :)

  10. A very Happy Belated Birthday Marja. I hope it was wonderful in every way.

  11. Happy B-Day (belated). Hope it was great.

  12. Ho Ho Ho!
    Whoops wrong occasion........


  13. Hi Majra
    Happy birthday to you (sorry 4 being late)
    GOod day

  14. Hallo Marja,
    Sorry dat ik het niet wist maar beter laat dan nooit " Heel Hartelijk gefeliciteerd" met je verjaardag, Ik hoop dat je een fijne dag hebt gehad? Liefs en verjaardags-knuffel van JoAnn

  15. Happy Birthday Marja, even if it is a little late. Here's wishing you a happy and healthy year!

  16. Oh dear Marja, please forgive me. I missed your birthday post. Not too late to say I wish for you many more happy birthdays with good health and lots of friends around you. I have just created a blog list to help me keep up-to-date with my reading. Hopefully this will address the anomaly. In the meantime I have lots of back post on your blog to read which I intend to do. Thanks for understanding.



Thank you!!