
Tuesday, 11 November 2008

This town knows me

Mayke gave me a few of her poems. This one is from the series of Christchurch written for Highschool

This town knows me
By Mayke Blom

 This town knows me.
It gives me the double taste,
swinging me from country
to town in public carriages

This town knows me.
The scent of flowers or bush or meadow
Wisps calmly through
the air of Christchurch parks

This place knows me.
My typical table of time
 A shadow ignored by
Them who cling to their own eyes
And I know this town.

Cautious of people
ripping me off the page
 I know this town.
sun being speedy
and clouds floating slow
Caught by the winds puff
A warm smile brightens the sky.

They, they don’t know this town
Hagley Park


  1. It's a beautiful poem Marja, your daughter is certainly talented :D

  2. loved the ending she wrote, and the emphasis on "they"

  3. I think your daughter is a wonderful poet.
    So glad you are back in the blog world.
    With a splendid new banner and all this Picas web excitement!
    I will have to try it.
    Yes, we are thrilled at the hope for the future Obama brings.
    Love from New York!

  4. Thanks Mary kate and rambler

    Nice to see you Elizabeth. Yes there is a lot of fun stuff you just have to know about it. Have a good time in NY

  5. That was beautiful, she should post on poetry train and sunday scribblings........

  6. Wow...Marja you has a very talented daughter!Great poem Mayke!

  7. Very nice. By all means, give us more poetry by Mayka.

  8. Your daughter has obviously inherited her beautiful writing talent from her mother. Well done Mayke.

  9. Steve Mayke loves the attention but she prefers to "hang out" on Bebo a kind of blog for teenagers

    Thanks Stef. She had an excellence for poetry at school

    She gave me a few so wait and see Billy

    Oh you are so charming Gypsy Thanks

  10. I love this poem Marja. It speaks to me of the Christchurch I know- the parks the winds the carriages.

  11. Hi Marja

    This poem was a delightful read. Mayke has infused all the trappings that go into a well written poem. The rhythmic flow, flows smoothly which is the hallmark of the well-crafted Free Verse poem. The repetitive lines are magnificently executed and takes the poem to higher heights in the muse. The imagery is awesome so too is the passion or feeling that poem brings out. Thank you for sharing. A truly great creation by such a young poet.



Thank you!!