
Friday, 6 August 2010

Looked after by angels

Whenever I had a big fall when I was young and came away from it without a scratch I always said without a doubt "I have great guardian angels". I never gave it any more thoughts until a year ago I read a post about angels on Stoneweavers blog. She is by the way one herself living in Christchurch. I know because I met her a twice.

Anyway she wrote in this post that you could ask your angels to leave you a feather as a sign and this worked very well for her. I took it to the test and noop the whole day no feather. The next morning I woke up and half the house was covered in feathers. It turned out later on that my daughter had packed a feather boa in a hurry to work. She went straight to a dress up party after work where she went dressed up as an.......angel, complete with feathers, wings and a halo.She had told me the day before that she hadn't found any costume yet.

The last half year I went through some struggles. I though my angels must be on strike so last week I wanted to check if they were stil around and asked for a sign again. The first days sign and than I went for a walk in the park with a friend and we walked straight into an......angel with feather wings so I quickly took a picture of her. Great sign Sight I am still looked after by angels just like you.
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  1. Looks like the case is closed. Very interesting. Hope things get better for you.

  2. A beautiful story. Your angels must be watching over you.

  3. I'm glad your angels are still with you, Marja. This is a lovely image of your daughter. Very uplifting.

  4. Ask and strangely there is some sign that you have been answered! So many times this has happened to me that I now treat it all as a normal part of life! Love this story of your angel signs!

  5. Absolutely right, Marja.
    A few years ago, I asked for a sign. Some time later, I was loading the boot of my car - in bright sunshine, and with no wind - and a beautiful feather simply floated down in front of me - seemingly from nowhere.
    I have no doubts about this.

  6. Thank you for this story! I need an angel right now!! I have gone through a very stressful time for the past half year. A nice thing was that my daughter and family from Australia came to stay with me for a month.
    It was cold when they came on 5th May. We blamed the islandic volcano for it.

  7. What a beautiful story!
    I have seen several feathers lately!
    I hope they are good signs.
    Happy Weekend!

  8. My angels stay busy with me, I'd buy them a beer to say thanks but I need them always on alert. I find trouble far too easily.

  9. After long time i have seen a feather yesterday so hope things would just stay right.peace!

    Thank you, its always a smile and hope , when i stop by here.

  10. Geweldige post..Ik geloof hier ook heel sterk in. Toen ik mijn man een lange moeilijke periode, zowel voor hem als voor mij,hadden we allebei twijfels of we het wel konden redden zo samen..Hij met een zware baan ,altijd onderweg...ik met drie dochters uit een eerder relatie..makkelijk was t allemaal niet! Op een dag zat mijn man in de trein..en in zichzelf vroeg hij om een teken..en teken dat het we waar konden maken als nieuw gezin..en toen, kwam er een veertje naar beneden een afgesloten coupe..out of nowhere..tja..wat denk je dan..Het landde op zijn hand. We hebben t noch steeds dat veertje een fles met een briefje waarop staat..we blijven altijd samen!
    Groet T.D

  11. Very beautiful story,Marja!Thank you for sharing!


Thank you!!