
Tuesday 19 February 2019


Having some fun trying a Haibun (combined prose with Haiku)
Quick and short because I had a busy week including a great weekend away with a blogging friend
Prompt fun for Poets United

My cousin’s son and his girlfriend traveled through Christchurch this summer.  I gave them a tour of my beloved land They gave me a tour as well. They led me to a dormant place in my mind. A place where a careless version of the past lives. Where the horizon broadly laughs and looks down in approval on this earth we used as a stage to sing, dance and be silly. I became young with them and took off the cape of worry hanging on the shoulders of my adult live.

I descend to a back room in my mind and look at imagery of me and my cousin. A time we used to roam  through the wheat fields. A time, my cousin and I screamed and banged on the iron basin to scare away the starlings, who stroke down on their trees to eat the cherries. We slept on the attic in one big bed surrounded with things unused and told each other secrets and stories, till my aunt came upstairs. We  pretended to sleep, pressing our lips together, trying not to giggle. We danced on her school parties and sang loudly when doing the dishes. In the space around us was joy. We were like little birds who experienced the vast sky for the first time and thought it was all about fun, a playground to soar and to perform our somersaults.

I tune in to the moment  "Which music do you want to dance too?" she asks, throwing two dollars into a washing machine, named dancomatic. Earth Wind and Fire blasts through the speakers.

Ghost of youthful fun
dwelling in the adult world
scares away worry


  1. Luv the dance video😊 its good to look back on fun days.


  2. How totally wonderful! That spot "They led me to a dormant place in my mind. A place where a careless version of the past lives." has to be visited to derive its full meaning--or at least to recognize it. Suchh a wonderful visit.

  3. Oh how I love this....the looking back, the memories, you and your cousin like little birds with the whole sky to fly in............sad how adult life brings such worry and awareness..........I love this haibun, the lovely shine of looking back.

  4. "I became young with them" - it certainly shows in the video dance.

  5. What a wonderful memory. I love how you describe it. I hope we all have some memories like this to scare the worries away.

  6. This is so beautiful! Hopefully we all have such memories as this...I do but without a video clip!

  7. "We pretended to sleep, pressing our lips together, trying not to giggle." Now, that's something I can soooo relate to :) Love the video.

  8. Marja you are one cool chick !....I love earth wind and fire....Keep Dancing !:)

  9. "took off the cape of worry hanging on the shoulders of my adult live"

    I love that image, and the haibun was excellent and fun to read.

  10. Hello Marja, I love your story and a Haibun. As adults we tend to forget the innocence of being a child and simply losing ourselves in laughter and fun. How nice that you were reminded and inspired to write. I hope you are well.

  11. Music, fun, friends.....great combination and love your storytelling Marja.
    We had some fun singing in the car on our short trip.
    Keep shining, keep smiling and keep having fun dear friend.
    Peggy xxxx

    1. thanks yes we had great fun Loved our trip :)

  12. Wow … what fun! You still have that youthful spirit, Marja, and all the right moves! It made my morning to see this. Agree ... it's almost impossible to worry and dance at the same time. :)

  13. Hi Marja - great memories of dancing and just being ... the life of small responsibilities - where hair can be let down and life just bops along - wonderful to read, to think about and to see ... cheers Hilary

    PS - can you email me ... ... as I can't seem to get your email up and I'll send you the link re the #WATWB link up ... thank you!!

  14. Go Marja GO! What better way to celebrate and show your cousins son and girlfriend a good time other than by dancing to music...
    Thank you for sharing those memories dear Marja.. :-) each one precious :-)


Thank you!!