
Friday 31 May 2024

When I am quiet

Written to Rosemary's prompt What do you hear?
for Poets and Storytellers United

When I am quiet

When I am quiet, I hear my
soul wanting to wear the hazy sky
and dance in draped dresses
on the ashes of misery
and sing a song about slices
of sun, cutting out the night

When I am quiet, I hear
an invite to the dream world,
a shiny diamond
wrapped in a foggy cloth,
greying out the mundane.
Let its light weave into
the fabric of the soul.

When I am quiet, I hear
the longing for high tides,
to submerge in emerald pools,
where the strong create waves
and currents of change,
building a place where all belong.

When I am quiet, I hear
beyond the voices and noises,
the truth born from intuition,
filtered through reason
until poetic tunes emerge.

Marja Blom


  1. Your word imagery compellingly shows that beyond the inner/outer noises, we intuit something far greater than human understanding ... where the dream world is perhaps the real world.

  2. Quietness brings so many wonderful gifts - you express this so well - Jae

  3. Lovely poem and you just sink into the words where you read it, "beyond the voices." is a great line . Lovely poem.

  4. Oh, here's to being quiet and doing all these things. Quiet is my mantra these days.

  5. I think this is my new favorite of yours. There is so much hope and beauty in the quiet you describe.

  6. Beautifully written! It arks wonderfuly well on immediate reading; then it repays going back for a re-read, taking me deeper.

  7. ...I wish you a relaxing weekend!

  8. "When I am quiet" ~~~ a truly beautiful poem. Deep, thought-provoking, wise.

  9. This is outstanding, Marja. I love the first stanza.

  10. Quiet time can be precious, hard to get. Coveted.
    Your poem makes us think and be aware of this.

  11. Lovely poem. The last stanza is my favourite.
    When one is quiet, one can hears the truth.

  12. Lovely poem !...Rall

  13. When I am quiet, I hear it all - the high and low, voices and noises, dream and reality, truth and untruth.
    Interesting picture with two quiet sculptures!

  14. Dear Marja,
    I almost missed this poem because I've been so busy over the last few days and weeks. You're so wonderful with words - the first two lines alone
    "When I am quiet, I hear my
    soul wanting to wear the hazy sky"
    create so many inner images and feelings...
    Hugs again, Traude

  15. Hi Marja - this is lovely ... I so enjoyed:

    'you can hear the truth
    born from an intuition
    filtered through reason'

    Wonderful writing ... just beautiful - congratulations - cheers Hilary

  16. ...enjoying quiet moments can be difficult in our crazy world.


Thank you!!