
Friday 5 April 2024

Age, a work of art

Magaly from Poets and storytellers United invited us to write poetry or prose inspired by the following quote

Youth is the gift of nature, but age is a work of art.” 
Stanislaw Jerzy Lec


Age, a work of Art

Youth has left me a long time ago
it is now a treasured star
in the constellation of my memories
I remember the lightness
when I travelled without baggage
when love danced as if caught in a breeze
under fluorescent lights
where butterflies got released
from boxes of illusion
My canvas contained a few colours
passionate red but also Indigo
I wasn’t aware yet of the array of hues in
which life is capable of presenting the blues
I splashed in shallow water

Age is the bed in which wonder wakes up
With age I learned to navigate 
the art of sculpturing my live
I chiseled depth and meaning 
carving a scar for every lesson learned
Sculpting wrinkles for all the work done
My pallet of colours increased
Green for learning like a leaf, to let go
Yellow for learning to shine like a light 
Purple for learning what is most important
he tāngata, it is the people
The alchemist of time created a palette
to paint my life the way I imagined
as a creative adventure
as a work of art
Marja Blom


  1. Oh what a delightful, insightful poem Marja.
    "Age is the bed in which wonder wakes up"
    "My pallet of colours increased
    Green for learning like a leaf, to let go
    Yellow for learning to shine like a light
    Purple for learning what is most important"
    Thanks my friend for sharing your knowledge.
    Peggy xxxx

  2. These lines stand out for me: "I splashed in shallow water" - what a great way to describe youth and "Age is the bed in which wonder wakes up" such a great way to describe growing up.... !!!!

  3. Wow, what a rich and wonderful journey you take us on, through the whole process.

  4. There are many relatable and visual delights in this piece but I do love the idea of life as a creative adventure later in life. :)

  5. I like this line best: Age is the bed in which wonder wakes up

  6. A nice write, Marja. Yes, I too am learning to deal with aging. With my cane withing reach, I have to depend on it for my first 20 or so steps. We, orthopedic doctor and I are trying to fix this situation.

  7. ...Marja, you have the ability to use words, I let my photos do the talking for me. I enjoy, "The longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes"~Frank Lloyd Wright.

  8. Age teaches us to sculpt life, body, face wrinkles. It added colors to the few ones on the palette of youth.

  9. Another good one. 'Sculpturing wrinkles for all the work done ' my favourite line.

  10. Hi Marja - such true words for us as we age - though oddly I think I work the other way round ... I was anxious as a kid (but not undetermined), yet more secure now - but I love your take and the descriptions you use: they're great. Cheers Hilary

  11. The writing is good and I can equate with what the author is saying. I am not finding ageing great fun though.

    1. Its right.I think a lot of people could be ready to give up the bitter treasure of ageing.

  12. This is beautiful. Youth is shiny and lovely and with not as many resources as age brings into the dance. A good balance, I think. To have more, after we've spent so much living collecting...

  13. Lovely. I struggle with a grey palette at present but this gives me hope.

  14. Scars, wrinkles, no escape as we age. I wear them with pride .. knowing [as you so wisely tell is in this beautiful poem] "age is the bed in which wonder wakes up."

  15. "My pallet of colours increased
    Green for learning like a leaf, to let go
    Yellow for learning to shine like a light
    Purple for learning what is most important
    he tāngata, it is the people"

    I love the meaning of your colors.

  16. Wow, dear Marja, I'm speechless - your poem is an ode, a hymn to getting older! When I read your lines, it seems like a great treasure to no longer be young. And you are right. We have acquired so many colors, so many shapes, so many facets over the years...
    I would also like to thank you for your lovely comment. It was so nice to get to know you both for Edi and for me - and I really hope we stay in touch. I'm looking forward to your further poems!
    Hugs and all the best,
    PS: My travel report starts tomorrow...

  17. Dear Marja,
    I have returned once again to your wonderful poem. Would you mind if I featured it on my blog sometime in the future (with a link to your blog of course) and also offered a German translation?

    I hope you are well and use your time just for pleasant things! Have a good start to the week!
    All the best, Traude

  18. Your talent never ceases to maze me. Aging is hard work as well as a work of art.


Thank you!!