
Friday, 16 August 2024

Learning the language of life

 The prompt for Poets and Storytellers United is 'things that aren't so scary (anymore)'.

Learning the Language of Life by Marja Blom

I had a craving to belong,
Stood on stage without a script.
Was I afraid to embrace the world?
Hell yes, I was an alien among
The brave, the bold, and the beloved.

I walked through shifting sand,
Seeking a place where I could stand,
A space where I could be seen.
Attention became my ally,
Class Clown was my name.

I listened wherever words awoke,
Learning the language of the masses.
I sensed their shadows and their masks,
Watched their confidence crumble,
Saw their trembling hands.

All beings face a brush with despair;
I learned that alone is not the same as lonely.
The weed's seeds of fear
Died beneath this mulch,
And flowers slowly towered above.


  1. So many of us, I think, go through this – though we react in different ways. (Far from being class clown, I was shy and timid, attempting to be invisible.) Thank goodness the realisation finally comes, that we are part of the human condition after all.

  2. Some beautiful imagery decorating some wonderfully insightful thoughts - lovely - Jae

  3. I walked in shifting sand
    to find a place where I could stand - that is so beautifully does take all the growing up we can to find sure footing and confidence...

  4. Your poetry is so good. I find it so soothing to read.

  5. "I stood on stage without a script". Yes, life is a giant ad-lib.

  6. This piece paints a lovely picture of how confidence grows. "An alien among the brave" … the so much better than you or me that others seem to be until beyond the masks we recognize their insecurities.

  7. Learning a language is a brave act, and this is a lovely poem.

    Pris cilla King

  8. Beautiful is harder for some than others. They always feel alien in this world...Rall

  9. ...I'm a visual person, my language skills are lacking.

  10. "language of life", "language of the masses". Any language can be mastered from the right place, where you could see and be seen, not feel alien and alone. Great poem, Marja!

  11. A very profound poem Marja. Thank heavens most of us learn life skills as we age and hopefully keep learning until we leave. Love the photo.
    Big hugs

  12. "I walked in shifting sand
    to find a place where I could stand
    to find a place where I could be seen"

    I love these lines, Marja!

  13. Hi Marja - this such a good poem ... so important for many of us - which perhaps we only realise later in life. Embrace life ... gently at first, but fully later on ... brilliant - it's so good - cheers Hilary

  14. Dearest Marja,
    your new poem is once again proof of how good your observation and analysis skills are and how well you can put into words what you see and feel. Regardless of whether you are describing yourself in this poem or "someone" (as if it were a character in a novel) - these are the developmental steps that a (initially somewhat insecure) person experiences in the best case scenario. I know what I'm talking about because I carried around a lot of insecurities with me when I was younger (and was a class clown as a child, by the way) and I have simply matured more from decade to decade (maybe like expensive whiskey 😅) Observing that those who once wore an admirable mask ultimately "just are cooking with water" ("auch nur mit Wasser kochen", as we say in german Language) has also helped me to develop more and more self-confidence and joy in myself and my life.
    All the best ans lots of hugs, Traude

    PS: In the meantime, there is my last NZ chapter, in which of course you play a role again 😊🥰 You made our days in Christchurch to something really great!

  15. PPS: I just noticed that I'm not your "follower" yet. That has now changed! 😊

  16. Positive poem with a lot of learning.
    May there be more flowers!
    "I can buy myself flowers"!


Thank you!!