
Monday, 13 August 2007


Our Home
Decorated with memories
Filled with energy in motion
Carnaval without masks
Palace of brittal identities
creating colours
to blend into the world
and when clashing
flowing back into
the cocoon of shelter of
Our home

"Under pressure"screams the radio. Nearly time to free ourselves from the magnetic pull of the bed. First thing I put my jacket on. It is freezing cold. When everybody arrives in the kitchen William and I try to fast forward the children who are still stuck in a dreamworld. Soon it is quiet. It is Tuesday, my day off. Kling klang, the dishes are stacked in the sink. No beautiful singing of a dishwasher. And than it is time to write (and to clean but I repress that successfully) It all happens in the kitchen on the picture above in our house. An old wooden white house. Cars are zooming past. Nobody wants to live anywhere else however because it is cosy and it's home. It is nearly spring so William will soon spent a lot of time in our reasonable sized garden. There are not many houses left here with big gardens. They are either subdivided or new townhouses with hardly any grass around it. A bit strange in a country with so much space.

We bought our house nearly 10 years ago. Just in the right time when they were reasonably cheap. The house prices doubled since than. The medium price of a house in Christchurch is about $330.000 at the moment and the interest rate about 10%. Compared with Holland for example it is still cheaper. With a strong economy and unemployment at a nearly all time low you would think it is not that bad here. Eh stop the salaries are pathetic. Still houses popping up everywhere and getting filled up quickly with many new emigrants (English, South African,Dutch, Japanese and others) Most come here for the lifestyle however like us or they stayed at school a bit longer which pays off. We made the right decision though, we like it here.

A serious Marja
(Some didn't know I could be as serious as in my blog. I am, get over it.)


  1. Happy to make you feel at home

  2. Hi!
    Rebicmel steered me toward your site and I'm glad she did! I really enjoyed your article, and I'll be reading back through your posts later today - Tuesday is my day off too!

    I live by the sea on the South coast of England - a million miles from you, which makes reading your blog all the more interesting.

    I would love to see you at my sites. One you can get to by clicking on my name. The other is my photo album on which I have a section about my home! If you cut/paste this extremely long address, I'll see you there! I'll have a bottle of wine on ice for when you arrive!


  3. Congratulations on making Blog of the Day at FMB:)

  4. Thanks a lot rebicmel. Hope to see your country one day as well.

  5. Keith I come over now for a glass


Thank you!!