
Monday 26 September 2011

Quote of the week

My son loves philosophy. I think it is great that they teach that at school. Philosophy is a search for wisdom by means of critical and comprehensive thinking. Wouldn't that be good for all of us. My sons favourite philosopher is Bertrand Russell and I liked this quote.

Sunday 18 September 2011


This weekend we went to paradise and back. Paradise called Kaikoura is about 2 1/2 hours drive North of Christchurch. We stayed the night and drove slowly back today. The name Kaikoura means meal of crayfish, kai means food and Koura means crayfish. Kaikoura is famous for its marine life such as dolphins, seals, seabirds, albatrosses and whales. The reason thee are whales near Kaikoura is because only 1.6 km from the coastline starts a canyon where the seafloor dives to over a 1000 meter. To see the whales you have to go on one of the whale watch boats. We didn't, but had a three and a half hour walk from North to South shore and back along the stunning coast line. Here a few pictures from our trip and if you want to see more go to

The car club showed of their old timers in Kaikoura and I agreed with this registration number It is Orsome eh awesome in Kaikoura

Because of this awesome sight with a light bubble dancing on the beach

and snowy peaks on the background

The light adds sparkles to the sea and puffs of cotton cloud rest on the mountains

Sweet as candy

A lone tree and and the bubble joining us on our trip.

Thousands of gulls on the shore. The sound is deafening
“Who is more responsible than a gull who finds and follows meaning, a higher purpose for life? For a thousand years we have scrabbled after fish heads, but now we have a reason to live – to learn, to discover, to be free! “
What he had once hoped for the Flock, he now gained for himself alone; he learned to fly, and was not sorry for the price that he had paid.
Jonathan Seagull discovered that boredom and fear and anger are the reasons that gull’s life is so short and with these gone from his thought, he lived a long fine life indeed.
The same rule holds for us now, of course: we choose our next world through what we learn in this one. Learn nothing , and the next is the same as this one, all the same limitations and lead weights to overcome”
Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach
Hundreds of specks on the rocks everywhere. There is a huge seal colony in kaikoura

Sunday 11 September 2011

Go All Blacks

Part of the amazing opening ceremony taking part in Auckland last Friday night for the Rugby World Cup 2011 Being Dutch I don't know much about Rugby, which is a religion here in New Zealand. There is no escaping from Rugby at the moment and not for the next 6 weeks. I like picking up the great vibes of excitement though surrounding the World cup. The All Blacks made their first win against Tonga, so they are off to agood start.

Christchurch missed out on hosting part of the World Cup because of the earth quake but that doesn't keep them from catching the world cup fever. In Hagley park a tent is set up with a museum which shows how people looked at Rugby on TV in the past.

I remember my grandparents having one of these

Groovy! I had an orange and brown sleeping room in that time and did not like these colours.
The history of Rugby on big boards along the Art Centre. I hope for New Zealand that the All Blacks win and make history. Go All Blacks

and for the rugby visitors some helpful tips  "Welcome people of earth   ;) Good for a laugh

Thursday 8 September 2011

We are responsible for children

Photo Kim Anderson
I had a very busy week. Worked far too much but had some really good moments. I  enjoyed today the laughing of some children. I love kids. I think kids are hard work but nothing gives me more pleasure. They are honest and straight forward, an open book, flexible, keen to learn, innocent and fun loving. I have the experience that they all want to succeed and to be good. When it doesn't seem like that there is usaully a good reason for it.
So when I found this poem I hope you take it in. And think about it, if you change the life of a child by giving them your real attention, you not only help them you help their future children and all surrounding people. Children are wiser than you think. . They should be valued a lot more than they are at the moment. That doesn't mean giving in to them. No they want you to set limits to give them clarity.  No it means to respect them, care about them and listen to them and they wil respect you. After all we are responsible for children!

Photo Kim Anderson

We are responsible for children
By Ina Hughus

We are responsible for children
Who put chocolate fingers everywhere,
Who like to be tickled,
Who stomp in puddles and ruin their pants,
Who sneak popsicles before supper,
Who erase holes in math workbooks,
Who can never find their shoes.

But we are also responsible for those
Who stare at photographers from behind broken windows,
Who can't bound down the street in a new pair of sneakers,
Who never "counted potatoes,"
Who are born in places where we wouldn't be caught dead,
Who never go to the circus,
Who live in an x-rated world.

We are also responsible for children
Who bring us sticky kisses and fistfuls of dandelions,
Who sleep with the dog and bury goldfish,
Who hug us in a hurry and forget their lunch money,
Who cover themselves with Band-Aids and sing off key,
Who squeeze toothpaste all over the sink,
Who slurp their soup.

But we are also responsible for those
Who never get dessert,
Who have no safe blanket to drag behind them,
Who watch their parents watch them suffer,
Who can't find any bread to steal,
Who don't have any rooms to clean up,
Whose pictures won't be on anybody's dresser,
Whose monsters are real.

We are also responsible for children
Who spend all their allowance before Tuesday,
Who throw tantrums in the grocery store and pick at their food,
Who like ghost stories,
Who shove dirty clothes under the bed and never rinse the tub,
Who get visits from the tooth fairy,
Who don't like tob e kissed in front of the carpool,
Who squirm in church and scream in the phone,
Whose tears we sometimes laugh at and
Whose smiles can make us cry.

We are responsible for those
Whose nightmares come in the daytime,
Who will eat anything,
Who have never seen a dentist,
Who aren't spoiled by anybody,
Who go to bed hungry and cry themselves to sleep,
Who live and move, but have no being.

We are responsible for children
Who want to be carried and for those who must,
For those we never give up on
And for those who don't get a second chance,
For those we smother...
And for those who will grab the hand of anybody kind enough to offer it.
I was bad this week but I will visit you all in the coming days. Arohanui marja

Sunday 4 September 2011

The biggest hug

Today was a special day for several reasons. Today it was fathers day Happy fathers day to all dads. My hubby wanted to bike and because I started my exercise regime I thought it was a good idea. I walked a total of 4 hours this weekend and I biked 2 hours or 30 km this morning. No not on a  race bike and pressed into one of these fancy biking suits lol. No on a Dutch like bike on which you can sit straight and with a Dutch saddle. The saddle specially brought over from Holland for me. Wearing my jeans and jersey. Tour biking is very rare in NZ and I got stared at by many race and mountain bikers.
Today was also a special day because it is exactly a year since we got woken up violently to a 7.1 earthquake. This was the first of  4103 quakes and they are still going. On thursday we had a 4.8 magnitude one and we are wondering when it will ever stop. So some Christchurch people decided we need a hug and organised a biggest hug day and they hope it will big enough for the guiness book of records.

These alpacas hugged each other today

Before everyone hugged in Hagley park these cute girls gave a Scottish dance performance

The T-shirts of this family say CHRISTCHURCH MY HEART IS HERE

The hugging has started

A long line of huggers going all around the park except for the kid who has something else in mind
and after that a big cheer Yeh Christchurch we are stil going strong!
And last but not least You are all invited to KarenG's Labor Day BBQ   See you there. Bring something nice and we have a chat over a glas of wine.:) or two