
Friday, 26 July 2013

Let it go

 Let it go

Eye pleasing roses
A sky piercing rainbow
A joy for all who notice
for non of us to owe

Embrace your car, your porcelain
but don't buy identity in a shop
Your spirit will not change
if you break an expensive cup

You are all, you are the cup
Fill it with satisfaction
gently mix the fluid
with love and affection

Let the world drink from that potion
The brew will change another soul
breaks down layers of illusion
till only love is in control

No need to posses the water
Refresh yourself, enjoy high tie
Then let it go again
as there is endless supply

marja blom


  1. What a great landscape and poem,Marja!Thank you for your german words in my blog!Very good!
    Dank u wel!

  2. but don't buy identity in a shop...ha, cool the but about becoming the cup and offering it to the world..compassion...nice....three is no need to possess the water, for sure...

  3. Lovely poem. Great advice to take what you need and just pass it on.

  4. Nice poem Marja. I like the lines about being the cup.

  5. I like the thoughts expressed in your poem - but I don't think I'd like to meet the owner of the car. I bet he (or she) is BORING!!!

  6. It's beautiful! Lovely car frame the beautiful beach in the background!

  7. I really, really enjoyed this poem, Marja.
    You added a smile to my day and I kind of needed one but hey, I'm smiling now and that is a good way to leave your blog so I thank you!

  8. Someone loves their car. I don't like the number plate. Great message in the poem.

  9. Great poem about possessions Marja, and Im guessing thats one old car..

    Sending you love.. Have a Brilliant week ahead..
    Love Sue xox

  10. Some people definitely have a romance going on with their cars. This one is striking. Love your post.


Thank you!!