
Sunday 17 March 2019

They are us

We will wave love through our communities
wave rich tapestries of togetherness
with strands of red, the colour of action
with white for insight and light
blended into pink, the colour of compassion
with a texture so strong no-one can break it
We will wear it with pride
it will carry us, carry each other
 we will build stories of hope
building blocks of peace

structures of strength
meanwhile we cry with
our brothers and sisters
our whanau

They are us


  1. Hi Marja - so desperate for your community and city - just unfathomable ... yes you are so right let's just live with peaceful threads and memories ... such a strong Maori word: Whānau ... wonderful poem - my thoughts - Hilary

  2. Wat een afschuwelijke drama heeft daar plaatsgevonden in jouw stad. De haat die sommige mensen tot dit soort daden drijft is onvoorstelbaar. Wens je veel sterkte.

  3. Beautiful, optimistic poem! I love the concept of "rich tapestries of togetherness". It's the dream of every country with a nation made up of many ethnicities.

    My own message is more realistic,and it says that 'nobody, absolutely nobody, has the right to take another human's life'. That's basics.

  4. Oh Marja, you are right in Christchurch. What a horrifying event this was. I love your loving poem in response. Weaving a blanket of hope and love is a wonderful response. I think the whole world is weeping together right now.

  5. Words are so important, Marja, as you well know! The words you posted swing emotions into the light after extremely dark events. Words of hate can inspire people to do hateful things and words of compassion and love can make hearts melt and help heal the world of its grief and so much suffering.

  6. These are beautiful words and feelings – I share them and know that many of us are with you. We must stand up against hate in all its form. It truly is heart breaking. So much sadness and sorrow. I’m very sorry at the terrible tragedy your beautiful country has suffered.

  7. Hi Marja - Wonderful poem that speaks of love, compassion, togetherness, hope, peace, and strength. Your city and country have been in my thoughts.

  8. I am so sorry and embarrassed that our current national mental illness (Trump) has affected your country.

  9. Thanks all for your kind words


Thank you!!