
Thursday 14 September 2023

Thoughts matter

Magaly from Poets and Storytellers United invited us to create poetry or prose which includes the words: storm, ink, love

 Thoughts matter

When a storm of thoughts crushes you
focus on the whisper of your breath
The gloomy gusts will fade
the world will smell of wonder
it fills with peace, fresh like waves
washing upon the shore of your mind

Paint your thoughts with intention
Spill your ink in glorious colours
Imagen love and love becomes a
warm breeze brimming with fragrance
Imagen courage and courage becomes
a yellow flame piercing the sky

A smile will be carved on your face
creating an echo into the world
Every thought, every action
is a beat on the universal drum
Let the drum talk of love
Its music will make our hearts sing


  1. "When a storm of thoughts crushes you, Let the drum talk of love" have created another masterpiece Marja. Love love love your poetry. Namaste Peggy xxxx

  2. A lovely poem perfectly summed up in the title. Delightful, Marja.

  3. Really a good start with your "storm of thoughts" handling. Treat them right and some will make hearts sing thinking of love. We all 'love' having those.

  4. An aside, is the little village of container housed businesses still going in Christchurch? We were impressed by the efforts to get going again. That was in 2013.

    1. No they have rebuild. There are shops now and the riverside market which is really nice The city changed a lot

  5. A storm of thoughts is a good way to describe it. Sometimes I smile even if I don't mean it and it changes the chemistry for the better.

  6. We like to say words matter and they do but as you so aptly express it … before words come thoughts that shape our attitudes and lives, even our world.

  7. Esp., love "Every thought, every action
    is a beat on the universal drum
    Let the drum talk of love"

  8. That drum can heal so many hearts

  9. spilling ink, fragrance, yellow flames - love those images.

  10. That's a nice way of dealing with things ,love the positivity around this poem

  11. Mijn yogadocente zei altijd: 'Je ademhaling is je vriend.' Het heeft jaren geduurd voordat ik het begreep (ik was een trage leerling (-: )
    Let the drum talk of love. Deze neem ik de rest van de week met me mee...


Thank you!!