
Friday 28 March 2008


Goodbye. Yes I am going to leave you. My condition improved a lot. The medication kicked in but I still continue to feel tired easily. The doctor can't do anything more because my levels are back in the normal range so I have to find a solution in a different way. I also have to work more hours so I need all my energy. That's why I decided to stop blogging. Otherwise everything is fine and my hubby is looking well after me.

At this stage I don't know if I come back. I might not but I will visit you from time to time and I will leave my blog here. Your blogs are great and you all deserve a medal for that but I'll just blow you a kiss. I have had a great time and really enjoyed blogging which wouldn't have been fun without you, my friends. Some of you have become really special to me. Thanks for our time together. If you ever come to visit New Zealand stop by for a coffee. You are welcome!

The following is an Irish quote and with that I leave you:

“May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.”

Love Marja

Sunday 16 March 2008

Walk through the park

On a Sunday we never get bored from a stroll through Hagley Park. We than have a coffee or a wine at the Art centre and walk back.

This is an entrance gate to a wonderful exposition of poison es plants in the park.
The Rose garden is still in full bloom. Here one of it's beauties. The nice thing is they smell wonderful. I remember the roses in Holland don't smell.
A part of the Court yard at the Art Centre. On the left is a door to one of my two favourite cinema's at the Art Centre. Very cosy and they often have great movies. One of them, Gloomy Sunday is already on for a couple of years and still attracts people.

This is were we always end up. The gate to our garden. Have a nice Sunday all.

Thursday 13 March 2008

Spiritual matters

courtesy of google
I think that there is a reason for everything. Even me being very tired. I do a lot of thinking these days and bump into lots of stuff to think about. The funny thing is that they are all related. It is as if they are answers to my questions. I believe in synchronicity, that the puzzle pieces fall into its place when you look for it and that if you ask for something, you will receive someway. Synchronicity means meaningful coincidences. I experienced it regularly some years ago and was utterly surprised. I didn't know the word back than. I had a friend with whom I regularly walked and I started to talk about it. She was surprised I hadn't heard about it and suggested some books. By discovery I found many puzzles and together I composed my own experience of live and of God. When I was young I always went to church. I questioned many things but was still attracted somehow to the word in the bible. Till a pater of the church said to me. What's in the bible is true but it didn't necessarily all truly happen . That appealed to me but I still didn't understand why religions had to fight each other, why people go to church and than hang their religion with their coat on the coat rack and lived life as if they didn't have heard the message etc. so I went on searching. Were I am now is that God is in all of us. When we connect to the God part in us, if we choose the good and love others we will be connected to them and to all there is. We experience heaven. When we choose for the bad part in us, we built a wall between us and others and everything around us. We will experience loneliness and pain, we experience hell. We are on a road of awareness, all of us are in a different stage. I feel I am moving forwards and wanted to share that with you. I was this afternoon aware that I am attracted to orange at the moment. A colour I hated it the past. I googled it and discovered that it is the colour of change and healing. The second step was that from the word healing I came to the video of Deepak Chopra. I had heard of his name and books but that is all. I watched his video and his message is closer to my believe than anything I came along. It is a one hour video about the different stages we pass through. If you are interested here it is. The way of the wizard You don't have to agree with me this is just my own personal journey and I am still learning. Love you all and visit you soon, marja oh and I only now realise the candle is orange too.

Wednesday 12 March 2008


I've got hypothyroxine. I am on medication already for a while but from time to time I get very tired again, sleep more than I already do and feel brainfogged. Because bloodtest at these times didn't reveal a change and the doctor couldn't find anything else, I learned to accept it. I usually say when I am struggling "I am busy" to lower the workload and get more time for sleep.
Today I got a phone call however. My medicaton is going to be doubled because my THS levels were to high. So I did some research today because I didn't understand why that suddenly shows up and not last time when I was tired.
THS is a Thyroid Stimulating Hormone. It is made by the pituitary gland in the back of the brain. What it does is telling the Thyroid gland how much T4 and T3 to make. When THS level are to high the pituary gland is working overtime to normalise the thyroid.
The thyroid gland is a butterfly, endocrine gland in the lower front of the neck. It produces thyroxine or T4. Thyroxine is carried through the body. It helps each cell, brain and organs to work properly. It helps to use energy, stay warm and keep all organs work.
When the thyroid gland is underactive (hypothyroid) it cann't make enough hormones to make the body running. There is not enough thyroid hormone in the blood. Bodyprocesses slow down, you feel colder. tired, you become more forgetful and depressed and you gain weight.
When a mother is undiagnosed and has hypothyroid it passes it on to the baby. Too little thyroid hormone can keep baby brains from developing normally. It also runs in families. When they are signs the child shoul be tested every 5 years. On the internet I understand however that bloodtest are not always reliable.
It is important to take your medication because when it gets more severe the body can slow down so much that ultimately you can fall in a coma.
Hopefully the increased medication works. 

Sunday 9 March 2008

A new kitten

May I present to you A new member of our family. We adopted her today. She doesn't have a name yet. Any suggestions?
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Friday 7 March 2008

Scientists reconsider autism

Let the champagne flow. As you know I have an big passion for children with LD. One learning disability is autism. I have known and still know some people with Asperger and a few with severe autism. One little girl I know can't talk but I know she understands many things and she is a delight to have around, she has the most incredible laugh I have ever heard. She is a very intuitive girl. Unfortunately I won't see her anymore.

What I always knew is stated in this post for which I received a link from Meggie. Autistic people are far more smarter than everybody ever thought, even the severe ones. They are blocked because of their sensory problems. The good thing is because of modern technology there are able now to communicate to us . So for the ones who are interested check this out. You will be surprised. I had too post this.
Love to all, Marja
Thanks Meggie you made my day.

Thursday 6 March 2008

Why we need to label children

courtesy of google
Imagine you become a gardener and start to give each plant the same amount of water and sun. Most will survive and do well but some will do not well or even die. Than somebody gives you the name of that plant which is not doing well, and you look it up. You find out that this plant needs a whole different treatment. More sun or less water etc. The plant survives because of its label. Yes you say, that's all fine but when you give children a label it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Oh, but does it not when they are labelled stupid, lazy or dumb because they can't do the things in the same way others do, because they learn differently? When we know how to accommodate these children and how to help them they are able to learn and live just like these special plants. Most children with learning disabilities have a gift as well. The are often lateral thinkers, more creative and intuitive. If you focus on how special they are they won't focus on their problems they become proud to wear their label. Some have already discovered these gifts and know how much there skills are needed . A dyslexic engineer told me once that they often prefer engineers who are dyslexic because they are visual thinkers and therefore good in what they do. Microsoft knows that some of their best people have Asperger. They provide health coverage for free therapy for children with autism. Good on ya Microsoft. May others follow, marja

Sunday 2 March 2008

Free to be me

Free to be me
by marja

I discovered my limits
which limited me
to be free
One of my petals
blinded my eyes
unable to see
the whole flower
I asked the universe
to give me guidance
to return my vision
and to be free to be me

On Joy and Sorrow  Kahlil Gibran

Then a woman said. Speak to us of joy and sorrow And he answered:
Your joy is your sorrow unmasked.
And the selfsame well from which your laughter rises was oftentimes filled with your tears.
And how else can it be?
The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.
Is not the cup that holds your wine the very cup that was burned in the potter's oven?
And is not the lute that soothes your spirit, the very wood that was hollowed with knives?
When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy.
When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.

Some of you say, "Joy is greater thar sorrow," and others say, "Nay, sorrow is the greater."
But I say unto you, they are inseparable.
Together they come, and when one sits, alone with you at your board, remember that the other is asleep upon your bed.

Verily you are suspended like scales between your sorrow and your joy.
Only when you are empty are you at standstill and balanced.
When the treasure-keeper lifts you to weigh his gold and his silver, needs must your joy or your sorrow rise or fall.
Love Marja