
Friday 25 February 2011

Great website developed by volunteers for Christchurch

The problems we are facing is overwelming and it is not going to take months this time to recover but years.
The help people give and the help people give each other is overwelming too and keeps us going. This includes your support dear Blogging friends. It is heart warming to read your comments.

Above a website set up by volunteers for Christchurch which is an enormous help for all involved as it contains offers for help and all the current information people need to know for example, where to get food and petrol.

I am busy looking for a volunteer IT person in Christchurch as well to fix our computer network at work, which is a charity, so we can move on and I might have found somebody on Trade Me. I am very excited so I hope he returns my email. Not much change to get on the computer at the moment with 3 children at home. (One guest)  Will try to update you soon.

Thanks again and arohanui

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Dark days for Christchurch

Thank you for all your emails, comments etc. We just got our power back and I expect the power back at work tomorrow. I would love to go back so I am able to do something and give people a hug.
This time it is so bad as lives have been lost, people are trapped and our beautiful city is totally broken beyond repair. Because we just have our TV back we only now could see the extend of the damage and devastation and it is just unbelievable. It is going to take a long time to recover but we will get there. We will work hard to move forwards. My kids have seen a lot as they were in the middle of the city when it happened. My son just wants to get out of here and I don't blame him. There seems to be a a guy who is called the moon man who has foretelled the first and this quake and he seemingly has said that the biggest one will come on 24th of March and a lot of people are now afraid. Aftershocks keep coming and we hold each other each time the house shakes. Again thank for all your support and pray with me for the people who are stil trapped under the rubble.
Arohanui marja

Monday 21 February 2011

Reaching destiny

Poem for writers island

Lake Wanaka
Reaching destiny
By marja

I can foretell, my friend
that he will reach his destiny
 he who silently stands strong
  strong like a graceful tree
firmly rooted all year long
He who blossoms
more beautifully
after going through each season
maturing with each cycle
Living live for a reason

As he paints the canvas of live
with ripples of deep blue
 streaks of green and gold
 with white light shining through
you see the magic unfold.

The path he treads is rough
but iridescence bubbles of joy
distracting him from pain you see
therefore I foretell  my friend
that he will reach his destiny

Sunday 20 February 2011

Weekend Walkabout

                Weekend walkabout is hosted by KB

We passed this lone tree when we went hiking from Kaituna valley up the Packhorse track.
The wind swept grass is tussock grass.It's usually very windy up here.

This crowd came along with me; Hubby, my friend and two young tramper friends. Here enjoying a well deserved rest after climbing uphill for 1 1/2 hours.

View on Lyttelton harbour from the top. On the top we had a rest in the sign of the packhorse, a hut where about 9 people can sleep on their tramps through the hills of the banks Peninsula.
Great view of the  sea on the way down

Wednesday 16 February 2011

The Two Bears

picture from here

Two Bears
By Hafiz

After a hard day's forage
Two bears sat together in silence
On a beautiful vista
Watching the sun go down
And feeling deeply grateful
For life.

Though, after a while
A thought-provoking conversation began
Which turned to the topic of

The one bear said,
"Did you hear about Rustam?
He has become famous
And travels from city to city
In a golden cage;

He performs to hundreds of people
Who laugh and applaud
His carnival

The other bear thought for
A few seconds
Then started


Monday 14 February 2011

Tauranga and Mount Maunganui

           That's my world Tuesday

On the way to Tauranga in the North Island we stopped in the mural town Katikati. it has more than 40 great murals and above a selection.

This man keeps on reading the same paper and is hard to move. He loves katikati

There are many kiwi fruit farms in this area. New Zealand has great kiwi fruit. We are trying to grow one in our garden and when the summers keeps on being this hot than we get our own kiwi fruit in a couple of years.

Tauranga city is the biggest place on the Bay of plenty with lots of shops. We walked along the waterfront, where there are lots of cafes, restaurants and these maori carvings

Not far from Tauranga is Mount Maunganui, an extinct volcanic cone. The Mount is sitting with town Mount Maunganui on a sand bar. It has on one side a harbour beach and on the other side a great surf beach.

Mount Maunganui has a busy and beautiful long stretch of beach. It is the Costa Del Sol of New Zealand. Popular with the Young (and not so young) and there are many resorts, hotels, shops etc. Cruise ships like to stop here as well.  A bit too busy for us though.

The young and the fearless come here to jump of this rock.
On the way back we passed the town Matamata or Hobbiton as it is close to the film location where the Hobbits lived in the Lord of the Rings.

Quote of the week

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Sunday 13 February 2011

Lyttelton harbour


                   Weekend walkabout in lyttelton Harbour

                    Weekend walkabout is hosted by KB

Christchurch not only has its own airport but also its own harbour. Lyttelton Harbour which is one of our favourite places. It is like a little town with a town centre and farmers market on a Saturday. Lots of artist live here and there are cosy cafes.

We walked up to Timeball station in Lyttelton from which you have a great view.

View on Diamond harbour

A long train is driving into the harbour bringing kohl  from the mines on the West coast

About 1200 ships visit Lyttelton each year and we see more and more cruise ships coming in which is good for Christchurch

London Street, the main street in Lyttelton Can you see the big crack on the theater on the right

One of my favourite cafes with an atmosphere. Jazzy music is playing on the background and we settled down on an old couch ( an ouwe zooi vond mijn broer toen we op het terras erachter zaten :)  )
  mmm this was my lunch ; a quiche with pumpkin and other yummy stuff

Friday 11 February 2011

World of words

picture from here

I love words. Since I was young I loved to speak languages and write stories. The strange thing is that words are at the same time a weakness. Words don't come easy to me. I know what I want to say which is just the same feeling as when I go shopping for clothes. I know exactly what I want and what I like, I just have to find it. I race through the racks and sometimes it takes ages to find what I am looking for and than suddenly I say "Yes that's it" So when I want to write I just have to find the words which fit with my thoughts and that takes time.
Often I have been so busy at daytime that my overloaded brain only wants stillness. Not that I regret anything I do. I enjoy most of it at the moment but sometimes at night than I reach my limit and I have to take a couple of steps back as words are spinning in my head. A chaotic world with  words jumping around. Words which convey lots of impressions of the day; Impressions about work, home and the big wide world. When that happen I have to shut down and abandon ......words.

World of words
Confusion rules
Words are walking
Stalking, bumping
Into each other

Noise rules
Sounding words 
like clash cymbals
clanging banging
world of words

Chaos rules
a traffic jam crams
more words
into my head,
scrambling madness

Restlessness rules
street dancing wordsjump

don’t bother me
let me be
holding silence, sofly
swinging in serenity


Sunday 6 February 2011

Nor'west Arch

 Weekend walkabout hosted by KB. Again a walk on the beach because it was so, so hot and walking with your feet through the water relieved a little heat.

After we had a walk on Sumner beach we drove up the hill to make a picture of  South Brighton. Last time we walked on the far end to the right of the picture on Brighton beach. You can also see the Nor'west arch clearly. It shows a blue belt with  a cloud stream above it. It is typical for the Canterbury region in New Zealand and it means very dry hot weather and today we reached a top temperature of 40 degrees celsius (104 degrees fahrenheit) which is an unusually hot for Christchurch.


House with a view in Sumner

I love the rocky shore

This one lost some bits and pieces during the quake

The cave rock in Sumner with the lighthouse on top. The Maoris called the rock Tuawera which means "cut down as if by fire", which means that many people had died by eating the flesh of a whale that stranded here.The rock represent the whale and is therefore a sacred place to the Maoris.

Clock tower in Sumner
The wind blows hard but it's a fohn wind, called snow eaters (in the winter) because the wind is soooo hot.

Thursday 3 February 2011

A colourful quote

Colour stops me in the street, invites me to breathe it in and take it with me.

Suzanne Partridge

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Phenominal woman

When I was young it was good to be a woman. I loved to dress up to parade at night before the crowd in the pub. Being very shy I wasn't aware of anybody interested though. I wish I had the confidence I have now. As the night progressed and I got warmed up to the music and I lost myself in dance. When I danced I felt like a woman.

When I was older I married and got my first child. Just after she was born I had to walk a couple of times to the cot just to believe there was a little human being I brought forwards. From than on I lived for my children and turned into a lion who protects her young. I played with them, laughed with them, worried about them, thaught them a lesson. I was happy to be a woman.

When I was older I lost a bit of it. I dance when nobody is there as I feel like an elephant dancing the swanlake. My kids don't want my care and company anymore. I mourn a little about this loss but I am more a woman than ever before, in every way I am still very emotional and sensitive. This goes with a sprinkle of wisdom settled in my first wrinkles. There is a bucket full of confidence. There is some left overs from my protective and motherly instincts and the matriarch is stil on the background. There still lingers a shadow from a femme fatale, no not really I am just a phenominal woman and I love this poem:

Phenominal woman

Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
Phenomenal Woman
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman

Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.
I say,
It's the fire in my eyes,
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing in my waist,
And the joy in my feet.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them
They say they still can't see.
I say,
It's in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed.
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It's in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
the palm of my hand,
The need of my care,
'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Maya Angelou

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Te Aroha

In the North Island on our holiday we stayed most of our time in Te Aroha, a small quiet town with very friendly people. This museum is in the hot springs domain and was a former bathhouse.The domain still has private bath houses an outdoor pool and a geyser.

I walked the track behind the domain up mount Te Aroha and had this view from the lookout. The men didn't come as they thought it was too hot but in the bush it was nice and sheltered although very humid.
The dark green area you see is the wetlands and we walked around that as well as you see next.

Our walk at night around the wetlands in Te Aroha, from here looking at the Mount Te Aroha

I loved how the plants proudly sprouted out of the wood.

Wairere Falls close to Te Aroha. It was a steep climb upwards but worth it.

Water finds its way in the maze of boulders.

An unfurling fern is the base for the symbol which the maori's call Koru. Koru stand for the new beginnnings, growth and strenght.  The circle stands for the circle of life, for renewal.

Look in this picture  how the tree is stuck between the two big boulders.